using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using ArgosTweenSpacePuppy; using VRTK; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; public class Fine_Tune_Controller_Adjuster : MonoBehaviour { public bool bFineTuner_On = false; public bool bStylus_On = false; private bool bGripPressed; Vector3 vEuler; public GameObject Fine_Tuner_Cowling_Prefab; private GameObject inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling; public GameObject Stylus_Prefab; private GameObject inst_Stylus; public float zExtended_FT = 3f; public float tweenDuration_FT = 1.618f; private float normZ_FT = 0; private float tAccum_FT = 0; private float base_Scale_FT = 1f; public float zExtended_STYL = 3f; public float tweenDuration_STYL = 1.618f; private float normZ_STYL = 0; private float tAccum_STYL = 0; private float base_Scale_STYL = 1f; float lastVal = 0; private float lerpValBack = 0; public float return_Duration; public float throttle_Value; public int stay_count = 0; public Vector3 orgPos; private UI_Ladder ui_Ladder; // Use this for initialization void Start () { //GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerEvents>().ApplicationMenuPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoApplicationMenuPressed); GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerEvents>().GripPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoGripPressed); GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerEvents>().GripReleased += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoGripReleased); inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling = (GameObject)Instantiate(Fine_Tuner_Cowling_Prefab,transform); Vector3 v = inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.transform.localPosition; v.z -= zExtended_FT; inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.transform.localPosition = v; inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.SetActive(false); base_Scale_FT = inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.transform.localScale.x; inst_Stylus = (GameObject)Instantiate(Stylus_Prefab, transform); v = inst_Stylus.transform.localPosition; v.z -= zExtended_FT; inst_Stylus.transform.localPosition = v; inst_Stylus.SetActive(false); base_Scale_STYL = inst_Stylus.transform.localScale.x; ui_Ladder = UI_Ladder.Instance; ui_Ladder.Stylus_Parameter_Update += new UI_Ladder.Stylus_Update_Event_Handler(Do_Stylus_Update); } private void Do_Stylus_Update(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(bStylus_On) inst_Stylus.GetComponent<Stylus>().Update_Stylus_From_UI(); } public void Controller_FineTune_Button(bool bOn) { bFineTuner_On = !bFineTuner_On; if (bFineTuner_On) { inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.SetActive(true); StopCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Fine_Tuner"); StartCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Fine_Tuner", true); } else { //inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.SetActive(false); StopCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Fine_Tuner"); StartCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Fine_Tuner", false); } } public void Controller_Stylus_Button(bool bOn) { bStylus_On = !bStylus_On; if (bStylus_On) { inst_Stylus.SetActive(true); Do_Stylus_Update(this, EventArgs.Empty); StopCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Stylus"); StartCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Stylus", true); } else { //inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.SetActive(false); StopCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Stylus"); StartCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Stylus", false); } } private void DoGripPressed(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { bGripPressed = true; } private void DoGripReleased(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { bGripPressed = false; } private IEnumerator Tween_Pos_Fine_Tuner(bool show) { float dir = 1; if (!show) { dir = -1; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops float linProg = tAccum_FT / tweenDuration_FT; while (i < 180 && ((show && linProg < 1) || (!show && linProg > 0))) { tAccum_FT += dir * Time.deltaTime; linProg = tAccum_FT / tweenDuration_FT; Mathf.Clamp(tAccum_FT, 0, tweenDuration_FT); normZ_FT = EaseMethods.CircleEaseInOut(tAccum_FT, 0, 1, tweenDuration_FT); Set_FineTuner_Position(normZ_FT); yield return true; i++; } if (show) { tAccum_FT = tweenDuration_FT; normZ_FT = 1; } else { tAccum_FT = 0; normZ_FT = 0; inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.SetActive(false); } Set_FineTuner_Position(normZ_FT); StopCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Fine_Tuner"); } private IEnumerator Tween_Pos_Stylus(bool show) { float dir = 1; if (!show) { dir = -1; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops float linProg = tAccum_STYL / tweenDuration_STYL; while (i < 180 && ((show && linProg < 1) || (!show && linProg > 0))) { tAccum_STYL += dir * Time.deltaTime; linProg = tAccum_STYL / tweenDuration_STYL; Mathf.Clamp(tAccum_STYL, 0, tweenDuration_STYL); normZ_STYL = EaseMethods.CircleEaseInOut(tAccum_STYL, 0, 1, tweenDuration_STYL); Set_Stylus_Position(normZ_STYL); yield return true; i++; } if (show) { tAccum_STYL = tweenDuration_STYL; normZ_STYL = 1; } else { tAccum_STYL = 0; normZ_STYL = 0; inst_Stylus.SetActive(false); } Set_Stylus_Position(normZ_STYL); StopCoroutine("Tween_Pos_Stylus"); } public void Set_FineTuner_Position(float normZ) { Vector3 v =; v.z = zExtended_FT * (normZ - 1); inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.transform.localPosition = v; Vector3 vScale = base_Scale_FT * * normZ; inst_Fine_Tuner_Cowling.transform.localScale = vScale; } public void Set_Stylus_Position(float normZ) { Vector3 v =; v.z = zExtended_STYL * (normZ - 1); inst_Stylus.transform.localPosition = v; Vector3 vScale = base_Scale_STYL * * normZ; inst_Stylus.transform.localScale = vScale; } bool bReturn = false; float accumTime; float initVal; void Update()//positive - 60 to left - 360 300 to the right { if (bFineTuner_On && bGripPressed) { vEuler = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles; vEuler.x = 0; vEuler.y = 0; float val = vEuler.z; if (val > 60f && val < 180f) val = 60f; if (val < 300f && val > 180f) val = 300f; float setVal = val; if (val < 300f)//60 range { val = -(val / 60f); } else { val = (360f - val) / 60f; } lastVal = val; throttle_Value = val; UI_Ladder.Instance.Set_FineTune_Val(throttle_Value); ushort aPulse = (ushort)(Mathf.Abs(throttle_Value * throttle_Value * 800)); GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerActions>().TriggerHapticPulse(aPulse); bReturn = false; } else { UI_Ladder.Instance.Set_FineTune_Val(0); } } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using ProceduralToolkit; public class Stylus : MonoBehaviour { private MeshDraft stylus_MD; private MeshDraft boundary_MD; Vector3[] vSphereCenters = new Vector3[12]; float[] fRadii = new float[12]; UI_Ladder ui_Ladder; Vector3 vMarker_Position; public GameObject boundary_Render; void Awake() { ui_Ladder = UI_Ladder.Instance; stylus_MD = new MeshDraft(); boundary_MD = new MeshDraft(); GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = stylus_MD.ToMesh(); vMarker_Position = GetComponentInChildren<Marker_Stylus>().transform.localPosition; } public void Update_Stylus_From_UI() { float r1 = UI_Ladder.Instance.stylus_Radius_Root; float r2 = UI_Ladder.Instance.stylus_Radius_Tip; int num_ATT = UI_Ladder.Instance.stylus_Num_Attractors; float stylus_Len = UI_Ladder.Instance.stylus_Length; float stylus_Boundary = UI_Ladder.Instance.stylus_Boundary; float sum = 0f; for (int i = 0; i<num_ATT; i++) { fRadii[i] = r1 + i * (r2 - r1) / num_ATT; sum += fRadii[i]; } float wLen = 0; stylus_MD.Clear(); boundary_MD.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j< num_ATT; j++) { wLen += fRadii[j]; vSphereCenters[j] = Vector3.forward * (wLen / sum) * stylus_Len; stylus_MD.Add(MeshDraft.Sphere_Offset(fRadii[j], 12, 12, vSphereCenters[j] + vMarker_Position)); boundary_MD.Add(MeshDraft.Sphere_Offset(fRadii[j]*(1 + stylus_Boundary), 12, 12, vSphereCenters[j] + vMarker_Position)); } GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = stylus_MD.ToMesh(); boundary_Render.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = boundary_MD.ToMesh(); } }