void Update()//positive - 60 to left - 360 300 to the right { if (bFineTuner_On && bGripPressed) { vEuler = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles; vEuler.x = 0; vEuler.y = 0; float val = vEuler.z; if (val > 60f && val < 180f) val = 60f; if (val < 300f && val > 180f) val = 300f; float setVal = val; if (val < 300f)//60 range { val = -(val / 60f); } else { val = (360f - val) / 60f; } lastVal = val; throttle_Value = val; UI_Ladder.Instance.Set_FineTune_Val(throttle_Value); ushort aPulse = (ushort)(Mathf.Abs(throttle_Value * throttle_Value * 800)); GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerActions>().TriggerHapticPulse(aPulse); bReturn = false; } else { UI_Ladder.Instance.Set_FineTune_Val(0); } } }