devNotes 7-18-16 Catmull Rom Drawing – Equidistant Quad Centers



    public class SplinePoint
        public Vector3 p;
        public Vector3 n;
        public Color col;
        public float lifeTime;
        public float currTime;
        public float nrmFade_Start;
        public float lenToPrev;
        public bool active = false;

        public void init(Vector3 p1, Vector3 n1, Color col1, float lifetime1, float nrmFade_Start1,float len)
            p = p1;
            n = n1;
            col = col1;
            lifeTime = lifetime1;
            currTime = 0f;
            nrmFade_Start = nrmFade_Start1;
            lenToPrev = len;
            active = true;

    public class EquiDistPoints
        public Vector3 p;
        public Vector3 n;
        public Color col = Color.white;

    public class ArgosQuad //tracks VB list divided by 6
        public float lifeTime = 0f;
        public float currTime = 0f;
        public float fadeStart = 0f;
        public MeshDraft mdQuad;
        public bool bActive = false;

        public ArgosQuad()
            mdQuad = new MeshDraft();

        public void initWithStamp(MeshDraft md)

    public class ArgosMeshDraft : MeshDraft
        public Controller ArgosCtrl;

        public float segmentLen = 0.05f;

        public List<Vector3> vTriCenter = new List<Vector3>();
        public List<int> vQual = new List<int>();
        public List<ArgVert> icoPointCloud = new List<ArgVert>();
        public List<ArgosQuad> quadLst = new List<ArgosQuad>();

        public ArgosQuad[] quadPool;
        public SplinePoint[] sPointPool;
        public EquiDistPoints[] equiPoints;
        public int qpCurrIdx = 0;
        public int qpLen = 0;
        private int spCurrIdx = 0;
        private int spLen = 0;

        MeshDraft mdScatch = new MeshDraft();
        Mesh meshInternal = new Mesh();

        public ArgosMeshDraft() : base()


        public void OnSegmentChanged(float val)
            segmentLen = val;

        public void initPools(int poolCount)
            ArgosController.OnSegmentLenChanged += OnSegmentChanged;

            quadPool = new ArgosQuad[poolCount];
            sPointPool = new SplinePoint[poolCount];
            equiPoints = new EquiDistPoints[poolCount];
            Color col = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
            mdScatch.Add(Quad(,,,, col));

            for (int i = 0; i < poolCount; i++)
                quadPool[i] = new ArgosQuad();
                sPointPool[i] = new SplinePoint();
            qpCurrIdx = spCurrIdx = 0;
            qpLen = spLen = poolCount;

        public void Spline_Point_Paint(Vector3 p, Vector3 n, Color col, float lifetime, float nrmFade_Start)
            Vector3 v = sPointPool[spCurrIdx].p;
            v = p - v;
            if (++spCurrIdx > spLen) spCurrIdx = 0;
            sPointPool[spCurrIdx].init(p, n, col, lifetime, nrmFade_Start, v.magnitude);

        public Vector3 CatmullRom(float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3)
            Vector3 a = 0.5f * (2f * p1);
            Vector3 b = 0.5f * (p2 - p0);
            Vector3 c = 0.5f * (2f * p0 - 5f * p1 + 4f * p2 - p3);
            Vector3 d = 0.5f * (-p0 + 3f * p1 - 3f * p2 + p3);

            Vector3 pos = a + (b * t) + (c * t * t) + (d * t * t * t);

            return pos;

        public ArgosQuad getPoolQuad()
            bool scan = true;
            int idx = qpCurrIdx;
            int cnt = 0;

            while (scan)
                if (quadPool[idx].bActive == false)
                    quadPool[idx].bActive = true;
                    qpCurrIdx = idx;
                    return quadPool[idx];
                if (++idx > qpLen - 1)
                    idx = 0;
                if (cnt > qpLen)
                    scan = false;
            return null;

        public Mesh ToMeshInternal()
            meshInternal.vertices = vertices.ToArray();
            meshInternal.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
            meshInternal.normals = normals.ToArray();
            meshInternal.uv = uv.ToArray();
            meshInternal.colors = colors.ToArray();
            return meshInternal;

        public Mesh ToMeshInternal_From_QuadPool()
            int poolCount = quadPool.Length;
            int v = 0;//verts
            int t = 0;//tris

            for (int i = 0; i < poolCount; i++)
                if (quadPool[i].bActive)
            return ToMeshInternal();

        public void Quad_Paint(Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, Color col, float lifetime, float fade_start)
            ArgosQuad aq = getPoolQuad();
            if (aq == null) return;//no non active quads

            aq.lifeTime = lifetime;
            aq.fadeStart = fade_start;
            aq.currTime = 0f;

            Init_Quad_fromPool(aq, v0, v1, v2, v3, col);

        public void Init_Quad_fromPool(ArgosQuad aq, Vector3 vertex0, Vector3 vertex1, Vector3 vertex2, Vector3 vertex3, Color col)//TODO REOWKK QUADPOOL ONLY
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross((vertex1 - vertex0), (vertex2 - vertex0)).normalized;

            aq.mdQuad.vertices[0] = vertex0;
            aq.mdQuad.vertices[1] = vertex1;
            aq.mdQuad.vertices[2] = vertex2;
            aq.mdQuad.vertices[3] = vertex3;

            aq.mdQuad.normals[0] = normal;
            aq.mdQuad.normals[1] = normal;
            aq.mdQuad.normals[2] = normal;
            aq.mdQuad.normals[3] = normal;

        private float getSampleLen()
            float len = 0f;
            bool done = false;
            int i = spCurrIdx;
            int cnt = 0;
            while (!done)
                len += sPointPool[i].lenToPrev;
                if (!sPointPool[i].active) done = true;
                if (++cnt == spLen) done = true;
                if (--i < 0) i = spLen;
            return len;

        private int prevScan(int scanIdx)
            if (--scanIdx < 0) return spLen-1;
            else return scanIdx;

        private int cmIdx(int scanIdx,int idx)

            if(idx == 0)
                if (++scanIdx > spLen) return 0;
                else return scanIdx;
            else if (idx == 2) return prevScan(scanIdx);

            else //if(idx == 3)
                scanIdx -= 2;
                if (scanIdx < 0) return spLen + scanIdx;
                else return scanIdx;

        public void Spline_Frame()
            float totLen  = getSampleLen();
            int   segments  = (int)(totLen / segmentLen);
            float deltLen = totLen / segments;
            float targetLen = 0f;
            float sampLen = sPointPool[spCurrIdx].lenToPrev;
            float sampLenNext = 0f;
            int cnt = 1;

            int scanIdx = prevScan(spCurrIdx);

            equiPoints[0].p = sPointPool[spCurrIdx].p;
            equiPoints[0].n = sPointPool[spCurrIdx].n;

            bool done = false;
                targetLen += deltLen;
                sampLen   += sPointPool[scanIdx].lenToPrev;
                sampLenNext = sampLen = sPointPool[prevScan(scanIdx)].lenToPrev;//circ buff
                if(targetLen > sampLen & targetLen < sampLenNext)
                    float perc = (targetLen - sampLen) / (sampLenNext - sampLen);

                    Vector3 p0 = sPointPool[cmIdx(scanIdx, 0)].p;
                    Vector3 p1 = sPointPool[scanIdx].p;
                    Vector3 p2 = sPointPool[cmIdx(scanIdx, 2)].p;
                    Vector3 p3 = sPointPool[cmIdx(scanIdx, 3)].p;
                    equiPoints[cnt].p = CatmullRom(perc, p0, p1, p2, p3);
                    equiPoints[cnt].n = Vector3.Lerp(sPointPool[scanIdx].n,sPointPool[prevScan(scanIdx)].n,perc);
                    equiPoints[cnt].col = sPointPool[scanIdx].col;

                    if (++cnt >= segments || cnt >= spLen) done = true;

        private void PointFades()
            bool done = false;
            int i = spCurrIdx;
            int cnt = 0;
            while (!done)
                sPointPool[i].currTime += Time.deltaTime;
                float fadeStart = sPointPool[i].nrmFade_Start * quadPool[i].lifeTime;

                if (sPointPool[i].currTime > fadeStart && sPointPool[i].active)
                    float attenAlpha = 1.0f - (sPointPool[i].currTime - fadeStart) / (sPointPool[i].lifeTime - fadeStart);
                    Color col;

                    col = sPointPool[i].col;
                    col.a = attenAlpha;
                    sPointPool[i].col = col;
                if (sPointPool[i].currTime > sPointPool[i].lifeTime)
                    sPointPool[i].active = false;
                if (++cnt == spLen) done = true;
                if (--i < 0) i = spLen;

        public void QuadPoolUpdate()//Change to Pool
            int poolCount = quadPool.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < poolCount; i++)
                quadPool[i].currTime += Time.deltaTime;

                float fadeStart = quadPool[i].fadeStart * quadPool[i].lifeTime;

                if (quadPool[i].currTime > fadeStart && quadPool[i].bActive)
                    float attenAlpha = 1.0f - (quadPool[i].currTime - fadeStart) / (quadPool[i].lifeTime - fadeStart);
                    Color col;

                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        col = quadPool[i].mdQuad.colors[j];
                        col.a = attenAlpha;
                        quadPool[i].mdQuad.colors[j] = col;

                if (quadPool[i].currTime > quadPool[i].lifeTime)
                    quadPool[i].bActive = false;

        public void Add_ITN_Node(MeshDraft tri, int sector, int nodePath, int ITG_idx)
            Vector3 vC = (tri.vertices[0] + tri.vertices[1] + tri.vertices[2]) / 3f;

            ArgVert aV = new ArgVert();

            aV.vPos = vC;
            aV.itn.sector = sector;
            aV.itn.nodePath = nodePath;
            aV.idx = ITG_idx;


        public void SetSortDist(Vector3 Apex)
            foreach (ArgVert aV in icoPointCloud)
                aV.dist = (aV.vPos - Apex).magnitude;

        public void sortPointCloud()
            icoPointCloud.Sort((x, y) => x.dist.CompareTo(y.dist));

        public void AddTriQual(MeshDraft tri)
            Vector3 vC = (tri.vertices[0] + tri.vertices[1] + tri.vertices[2]) / 3f;
            int qual = TriQual.UNDEFINED;


            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)//Track the quality of the triangle UVs

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