devNotes 8-26-16 Story Board 1

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Author: Eric Eastwood (
// Description:
//		Written for this question:
//		Simulates/Emulates pendulum motion in code
// 		Works in any 3D direction and with any force/direciton of gravity
// Demonstration:
// Usage:
public class Pendulum : MonoBehaviour

    public GameObject Pivot;
    public GameObject Bob;

    public float mass = 1f;

    float ropeLength = 500f;

    public float dampFactor = 1f;

    Vector3 bobStartingPosition;
    bool bobStartingPositionSet = false;

    // You could define these in the `PendulumUpdate()` loop 
    // But we want them in the class scope so we can draw gizmos `OnDrawGizmos()`

    public Vector3 vGravity;

    private Vector3 gravityDirection;
    private Vector3 tensionDirection;

    private Vector3 tangentDirection;
    private Vector3 pendulumSideDirection;

    private float tensionForce = 0f;
    private float gravityForce = 0f;

    // Keep track of the current velocity
    Vector3 currentVelocity = new Vector3();

    // We use these to smooth between values in certain framerate situations in the `Update()` loop
    Vector3 currentStatePosition;
    Vector3 previousStatePosition;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Set the starting position for later use in the context menu reset methods
        this.bobStartingPosition = this.Bob.transform.position;
        this.bobStartingPositionSet = true;


    float t = 0f;
    float dt = 0.01f;
    float currentTime = 0f;
    float accumulator = 0f;

    void Update()
        /* */
        // Fixed deltaTime rendering at any speed with smoothing
        // Technique:
        float frameTime = Time.time - currentTime;
        this.currentTime = Time.time;

        this.accumulator += frameTime;

        while (this.accumulator >= this.dt)
            this.previousStatePosition = this.currentStatePosition;
            this.currentStatePosition = this.PendulumUpdate(this.currentStatePosition, this.dt);
            //integrate(state, this.t, this.dt);
            accumulator -= this.dt;
            this.t += this.dt;

        float alpha = this.accumulator / this.dt;

        Vector3 newPosition = this.currentStatePosition * alpha + this.previousStatePosition * (1f - alpha);

        this.Bob.transform.position = newPosition; //this.currentStatePosition;
                                                   /* */

        //this.Bob.transform.position = this.PendulumUpdate(this.Bob.transform.position, Time.deltaTime);

    // Use this to reset forces and go back to the starting position
    [ContextMenu("Reset Pendulum Position")]
    void ResetPendulumPosition()
        if (this.bobStartingPositionSet)

    // Use this to reset any built up forces
    [ContextMenu("Reset Pendulum Forces")]
    void ResetPendulumForces()
        this.currentVelocity =;

        // Set the transition state
        this.currentStatePosition = this.Bob.transform.position;

    void PendulumInit()
        // Get the initial rope length from how far away the bob is now
        this.ropeLength = Vector3.Distance(Pivot.transform.position, Bob.transform.position);

    void MoveBob(Vector3 resetBobPosition)
        // Put the bob back in the place we first saw it at in `Start()`
        this.Bob.transform.position = resetBobPosition;

        // Set the transition state
        this.currentStatePosition = resetBobPosition;

    Vector3 PendulumUpdate(Vector3 currentStatePosition, float deltaTime)
        // Add gravity free fall
        this.gravityForce = this.mass * vGravity.magnitude;
        this.gravityDirection = vGravity.normalized;
        this.currentVelocity += this.gravityDirection * this.gravityForce * deltaTime;

        Vector3 pivot_p = this.Pivot.transform.position;
        Vector3 bob_p = this.currentStatePosition;

        Vector3 auxiliaryMovementDelta = this.currentVelocity * deltaTime;
        float distanceAfterGravity = Vector3.Distance(pivot_p, bob_p + auxiliaryMovementDelta);

        // If at the end of the rope
        if (distanceAfterGravity > this.ropeLength || Mathf.Approximately(distanceAfterGravity, this.ropeLength))

            this.tensionDirection = (pivot_p - bob_p).normalized;

            this.pendulumSideDirection = (Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f) * this.tensionDirection);
            this.pendulumSideDirection.Scale(new Vector3(1f, 0f, 1f));

            this.tangentDirection = (-1f * Vector3.Cross(this.tensionDirection, this.pendulumSideDirection)).normalized;

            float inclinationAngle = Vector3.Angle(bob_p - pivot_p, this.gravityDirection);

            this.tensionForce = this.mass * Physics.gravity.magnitude * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * inclinationAngle);
            float centripetalForce = ((this.mass * Mathf.Pow(this.currentVelocity.magnitude, 2)) / this.ropeLength);
            this.tensionForce += centripetalForce;

            this.currentVelocity += this.tensionDirection * this.tensionForce * deltaTime;

            this.currentVelocity = (1f - dampFactor/1000f) * this.currentVelocity;

        // Get the movement delta
        Vector3 movementDelta =;
        movementDelta += this.currentVelocity * deltaTime;

        //return currentStatePosition + movementDelta;

        float distance = Vector3.Distance(pivot_p, currentStatePosition + movementDelta);
        return this.GetPointOnLine(pivot_p, currentStatePosition + movementDelta, distance <= this.ropeLength ? distance : this.ropeLength);

    Vector3 GetPointOnLine(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float distanceFromStart)
        return start + (distanceFromStart * Vector3.Normalize(end - start));

    void OnDrawGizmos()
        // purple
        Gizmos.color = new Color(.5f, 0f, .5f);
        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(this.Pivot.transform.position, this.ropeLength);

        Gizmos.DrawWireCube(this.bobStartingPosition, new Vector3(.5f, .5f, .5f));

        // Blue: Auxilary
        Gizmos.color = new Color(.3f, .3f, 1f); // blue
        Vector3 auxVel = .3f * this.currentVelocity;
        Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, auxVel);
        Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + auxVel, .2f);

        // Yellow: Gravity
        Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, 1f, .2f);
        Vector3 gravity = .3f * this.gravityForce * this.gravityDirection;
        Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, gravity);
        Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + gravity, .2f);

        // Orange: Tension
        Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, .5f, .2f); // Orange
        Vector3 tension = .3f * this.tensionForce * this.tensionDirection;
        Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, tension);
        Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + tension, .2f);

        // Red: Resultant
        Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, .3f, .3f); // red
        Vector3 resultant = gravity + tension;
        Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, resultant);
        Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + resultant, .2f);

        /* * /
		// Green: Pendulum side direction
		Gizmos.color = new Color(.3f, 1f, .3f);
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, 3f*this.pendulumSideDirection);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + 3f*this.pendulumSideDirection, .2f);
		/* */

        /* * /
		// Cyan: tangent direction
		Gizmos.color = new Color(.2f, 1f, 1f); // cyan
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, 3f*this.tangentDirection);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + 3f*this.tangentDirection, .2f);
		/* */

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using ProceduralToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using VRTK;
using System;

public class SerialVect3
    public SerialVect3(Vector3 vIn)
        _vx = vIn.x;
        _vy = vIn.y;
        _vz = vIn.z; 

    public float _vx;
    public float _vy;
    public float _vz;

public class Argos_Hex_Brush : MonoBehaviour
    Mesh mesh;

    Material _material;

    public VRTK_ControllerEvents ctrl_events;

    public AnimationCurve scaleCurve; //let's say you edit from inspector, but you can built at runtime if you prefer

    MaterialPropertyBlock _block;

    public GameObject newHex_Loc_Prefab;

    private ArgosMeshDraft amDraft;
    public ArgosMeshDraft AmDraft
        get { return amDraft; }

    public ArgosSphere_Indexing argosSphere;
    private int lastHexIdx = -1;
    public Color color;
    public Text dbgTex;

    private UI_Control ui_Control;

    List<Vector3> CatmullRom_Point_List = new List<Vector3>();

    public List<SerialVect3> Equi_Distant_Points  = new List<SerialVect3>();

    private Vector3 vLast_Point;
    private Vector3 vCursPos;
    private Vector3 vUp_Last;

    void Start ()
        MeshFilter mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        if (mf.mesh == null)
            mf.mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh = mf.mesh;
        amDraft = new ArgosMeshDraft();

        _block = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

        amDraft.initQuadPool_AnimationCurve(5000, scaleCurve);

        ui_Control = GameObject.Find("UI_Control_Canvas").GetComponent < UI_Control>();

        ctrl_events.TriggerPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(Triggr_StartCollectingPoints);
        ctrl_events.TriggerReleased += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(Triggr_StopCollectingPoints);

    public void SetCursPos(Vector3 vPos)
        vCursPos = vPos;

    public void Triggr_StartCollectingPoints(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e)
        vLast_Point = vCursPos;

    public void Triggr_StopCollectingPoints(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e)


    float accumTime = 0f;
    void Update ()
        accumTime += Time.deltaTime;

        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = amDraft.ToMeshInternal();//

        //Vector3 vH0 = a12horns.v12HORN_Norms[0];
        Quaternion q;

        //for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
            //q = Quaternion.FromToRotation(vH0, a12horns.v12HORN_Norms[i]);

        q = Quaternion.identity;
        Graphics.DrawMesh(GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh,, q, _material, gameObject.layer, null, 0, _block);


    public int GetNumVertices()
        return amDraft.vertices.Count;

    public Vector3 GetVertex(int i)
        return amDraft.vertices[i];

    public void SetVertex(int i, Vector3 v)
        amDraft.vertices[i] = v;

    public void MeshDraft_ToMesh()
        if (amDraft != null)
            GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = amDraft.ToMesh();

    public void initAddMeshDraft(MeshDraft md)
        MeshFilter mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        if (mf.mesh == null)
            mf.mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh = mf.mesh;
        amDraft = new ArgosMeshDraft();

        if (amDraft != null)
            GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = amDraft.ToMesh();

    public void Paint(Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, Color col, float duration, float fade_start)
        if (amDraft != null)
            amDraft.Quad_Paint(v0, v1, v2, v3, col, duration, fade_start);

    public void PaintHex(Vector3 pos, Vector3 vOffset, float lineWidth)
        float pointDist = lineWidth * 8f;
        Vector3 vDiff = pos - vLast_Point;
        if (vDiff.magnitude > pointDist)
            CatmullAdd(pos + vOffset,lineWidth);
            vLast_Point = pos;

        int newIdx = argosSphere.getHexIdx(pos);
        dbgTex.text = "CM DIST = " + pointDist.ToString("F3");

        if(newIdx != lastHexIdx && newIdx != -1)
            List<Vector3> vL = argosSphere.HexQuads[newIdx].mdH.vertices;
            Paint(vL[0] + vOffset, vL[1] + vOffset, vL[3] + vOffset, vL[2] + vOffset, color, 0.1f, 0.7f);
            lastHexIdx = newIdx;

    public void CatmullAdd(Vector3 pos,float lineWidth)
        Vector3 vUp;
        Vector3 vc12;
        Vector3 vcIn; //break by 8 for music

        Instantiate(newHex_Loc_Prefab, pos, Quaternion.identity);

        if(CatmullRom_Point_List.Count > 3)
            Vector3[] splinePoints = new Vector3[8];

            int cmc = CatmullRom_Point_List.Count - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i<8; i++)
                splinePoints[i] = ReturnCatmullRom((float)i / 8f,
                                                    CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 3],
                                                    CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 2],
                                                    CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 1],

                SerialVect3 sv3 = new SerialVect3(splinePoints[i]);

                Equi_Distant_Points.Add(sv3);//add points to serialized equidistant Vector3s

            if (CatmullRom_Point_List.Count == 4)
                vc12 = CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 1] - CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 2];
                vcIn = CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 2] - argosSphere.transform.position;

                vUp_Last = Vector3.Cross(vcIn, vc12);

            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4];

            for (int j = 0; j<7;j++)
                Vector3 v12 = splinePoints[j + 1] - splinePoints[j];
                Vector3 vIn = splinePoints[j + 1] - argosSphere.transform.position;
                vUp = Vector3.Cross(vIn, v12);

                verts[0] = splinePoints[j] - vUp_Last * lineWidth / 2f;
                verts[1] = splinePoints[j] + vUp_Last * lineWidth / 2f;
                verts[2] = splinePoints[j+1] + vUp * lineWidth / 2f;
                verts[3] = splinePoints[j+1] - vUp * lineWidth / 2f;

                Paint(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], color, 30f, 0.7f);

                vUp_Last = vUp;

            vc12 = CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc-1] - splinePoints[6];
            vcIn = CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 1] - argosSphere.transform.position;
            vUp = Vector3.Cross(vcIn, vc12);

            verts[0] = splinePoints[7] - vUp_Last * lineWidth / 2f;
            verts[1] = splinePoints[7] + vUp_Last * lineWidth / 2f;
            verts[2] = CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 1] + vUp * lineWidth / 2f;
            verts[3] = CatmullRom_Point_List[cmc - 1] - vUp * lineWidth / 2f;

            Paint(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], color, 30f, 0.7f);

            vUp_Last = vUp;

    //Returns a position between 4 Vector3 with Catmull-Rom Spline algorithm
    Vector3 ReturnCatmullRom(float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3)
        Vector3 a = 0.5f * (2f * p1);
        Vector3 b = 0.5f * (p2 - p0);
        Vector3 c = 0.5f * (2f * p0 - 5f * p1 + 4f * p2 - p3);
        Vector3 d = 0.5f * (-p0 + 3f * p1 - 3f * p2 + p3);

        Vector3 pos = a + (b * t) + (c * t * t) + (d * t * t * t);

        return pos;

    public void AddMeshDraft(MeshDraft md)
        if (amDraft != null)
            GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = amDraft.ToMesh();

    public void AddMeshDraft_Only(MeshDraft md)
        if (amDraft != null)

    public void AddQuad(Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3)
        if (amDraft != null)
            amDraft.Add(MeshDraft.Quad(v0, v1, v2, v3));
            GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = amDraft.ToMesh();

    public void AddQuad(Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, Color col)
        if (amDraft != null)
            amDraft.Add(MeshDraft.Quad(v0, v1, v2, v3, col));
            GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = amDraft.ToMesh();
