devNotes 9-20-16 Cube Octahedron – Platonic Geometry Attractor Selector

#pragma kernel CSMain

// Thread group size 
#define thread_group_size_x 32
#define thread_group_size_y 1
#define thread_group_size_z 1

struct Particle 
    float3      position;  
    float3      velocity; 

float  time;
float  pi;

float deltaTime;
float damping;									
float3 base;										// HANDLE.
float3 orbit;										// BOB
float targetStrengh;								// POWER MAG
float orbit_weighting;                              // POWER RATIO BETWEEN HANDLE AND BOB
float radius_of_action;                             // RADIUS OF TROUGH / MOTE :) around ATTRACTOR

int attractor_Count;
float3 att_0;										
float3 att_1;
float3 att_2;										
float3 att_3;

float3 att_4;										
float3 att_5;
float3 att_6;										
float3 att_7;

float3 att_8;										
float3 att_9;
float3 att_10;										
float3 att_11;

float3 att_12;										
float3 att_13;
float3 att_14;										
float3 att_15;

float3 att_16;										
float3 att_17;
float3 att_18;										
float3 att_19;
float constVel;                                     

RWStructuredBuffer <Particle> particles;

[numthreads(thread_group_size_x, thread_group_size_y, thread_group_size_z )]

void CSMain ( uint3 Gid : SV_GroupID, uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GTid : SV_GroupThreadID, uint GI : SV_GroupIndex )        
    int index = DTid.x;
    //int index = DTid.x + DTid.y * thread_group_size_x * 32;
    if(attractor_Count != 0)//0 MEANS THE BOB and THE ANCHOR
        if(attractor_Count == 4 || attractor_Count == 6 || attractor_Count == 8 || attractor_Count == 12 || attractor_Count == 13 || attractor_Count == 20)
    	    // 0 - 4
            float3 att_0_Dir = normalize((att_0 - particles[index].position));
    	    float3 att_1_Dir = normalize((att_1 - particles[index].position));
            float3 att_2_Dir = normalize((att_2 - particles[index].position));
            float3 att_3_Dir = normalize((att_3 - particles[index].position));

	        float att_0_dist = distance(att_0, particles[index].position);
	        float att_1_dist = distance(att_1, particles[index].position);
            float att_2_dist = distance(att_2, particles[index].position);
            float att_3_dist = distance(att_3, particles[index].position);

            if(att_0_dist > radius_of_action)
                particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_0_Dir * deltaTime / att_0_dist;
                particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_0_Dir * deltaTime / att_0_dist;

            if(att_1_dist > radius_of_action)
                particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_1_Dir * deltaTime / att_1_dist;
                particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_1_Dir * deltaTime / att_1_dist;

            if(att_2_dist > radius_of_action)
                particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_2_Dir * deltaTime / att_2_dist;
                particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_2_Dir * deltaTime / att_2_dist;

            if(att_3_dist > radius_of_action)
                particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_3_Dir * deltaTime / att_3_dist;
               particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_3_Dir * deltaTime / att_3_dist;
            if(attractor_Count == 6 || attractor_Count == 8 || attractor_Count == 12 || attractor_Count == 13 || attractor_Count == 20)
                // 4 - 7
                float3 att_4_Dir = normalize((att_4 - particles[index].position));
    	        float3 att_5_Dir = normalize((att_5 - particles[index].position));

	            float att_4_dist = distance(att_4, particles[index].position);
	            float att_5_dist = distance(att_5, particles[index].position);                
                if(att_4_dist > radius_of_action)
                    particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_4_Dir * deltaTime / att_4_dist;
                    particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_4_Dir * deltaTime / att_4_dist;

                if(att_5_dist > radius_of_action)
                    particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_5_Dir * deltaTime / att_5_dist;
                    particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_5_Dir * deltaTime / att_5_dist;
                if(attractor_Count == 8 || attractor_Count == 12 || attractor_Count == 13 || attractor_Count == 20)
                    float3 att_6_Dir = normalize((att_6 - particles[index].position));
                    float3 att_7_Dir = normalize((att_7 - particles[index].position));

                    float att_6_dist = distance(att_6, particles[index].position);
                    float att_7_dist = distance(att_7, particles[index].position);

                    if(att_6_dist > radius_of_action)
                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_6_Dir * deltaTime / att_6_dist;
                        particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_6_Dir * deltaTime / att_6_dist;

                    if(att_7_dist > radius_of_action)
                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_7_Dir * deltaTime / att_7_dist;
                       particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_7_Dir * deltaTime / att_7_dist;
                    if(attractor_Count == 12 || attractor_Count == 13 || attractor_Count == 20)
                        // 8 - 11
                        float3 att_8_Dir = normalize((att_8 - particles[index].position));
    	                float3 att_9_Dir = normalize((att_9 - particles[index].position));
                        float3 att_10_Dir = normalize((att_10 - particles[index].position));
                        float3 att_11_Dir = normalize((att_11 - particles[index].position));

	                    float att_8_dist = distance(att_8, particles[index].position);
	                    float att_9_dist = distance(att_9, particles[index].position);
                        float att_10_dist = distance(att_10, particles[index].position);
                        float att_11_dist = distance(att_11, particles[index].position);

                        if(att_8_dist > radius_of_action)
                            particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_8_Dir * deltaTime / att_8_dist;
                            particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_8_Dir * deltaTime / att_8_dist;

                        if(att_9_dist > radius_of_action)
                            particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_9_Dir * deltaTime / att_9_dist;
                            particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_9_Dir * deltaTime / att_9_dist;

                        if(att_10_dist > radius_of_action)
                            particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_10_Dir * deltaTime / att_10_dist;
                            particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_10_Dir * deltaTime / att_10_dist;

                        if(att_11_dist > radius_of_action)
                            particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_11_Dir * deltaTime / att_11_dist;
                           particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_11_Dir * deltaTime / att_11_dist;
                        if(attractor_Count == 12 || attractor_Count == 13 || attractor_Count == 20)
                            // 12
                            float3 att_12_Dir = normalize((att_12 - particles[index].position));
    	            	    float att_12_dist = distance(att_12, particles[index].position);

                            if(att_12_dist > radius_of_action)
                                particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_12_Dir * deltaTime / att_12_dist;
                                particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_12_Dir * deltaTime / att_12_dist;
                            if(attractor_Count == 13 || attractor_Count == 20)
                                float3 att_13_Dir = normalize((att_13 - particles[index].position));
                                float att_13_dist = distance(att_13, particles[index].position);

                                if(att_13_dist > radius_of_action)
                                    particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_13_Dir * deltaTime / att_5_dist;
                                    particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_13_Dir * deltaTime / att_13_dist;
                                if(attractor_Count == 20)
                                    float3 att_14_Dir = normalize((att_14 - particles[index].position));
                                    float3 att_15_Dir = normalize((att_15 - particles[index].position));

                                    float att_14_dist = distance(att_14, particles[index].position);
                                    float att_15_dist = distance(att_15, particles[index].position);

                                    if(att_14_dist > radius_of_action)
                                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_14_Dir * deltaTime / att_14_dist;
                                        particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_14_Dir * deltaTime / att_14_dist;

                                    if(att_15_dist > radius_of_action)
                                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_15_Dir * deltaTime / att_15_dist;
                                       particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_15_Dir * deltaTime / att_15_dist;

                                    // 16 - 19
                                    float3 att_16_Dir = normalize((att_16 - particles[index].position));
    	                            float3 att_17_Dir = normalize((att_17 - particles[index].position));
                                    float3 att_18_Dir = normalize((att_18 - particles[index].position));
                                    float3 att_19_Dir = normalize((att_19 - particles[index].position));

	                                float att_16_dist = distance(att_16, particles[index].position);
	                                float att_17_dist = distance(att_17, particles[index].position);
                                    float att_18_dist = distance(att_18, particles[index].position);
                                    float att_19_dist = distance(att_19, particles[index].position);

                                    if(att_16_dist > radius_of_action)
                                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_16_Dir * deltaTime / att_16_dist;
                                        particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_16_Dir * deltaTime / att_16_dist;

                                    if(att_17_dist > radius_of_action)
                                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_17_Dir * deltaTime / att_17_dist;
                                        particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_17_Dir * deltaTime / att_17_dist;

                                    if(att_18_dist > radius_of_action)
                                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_18_Dir * deltaTime / att_18_dist;
                                        particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_18_Dir * deltaTime / att_18_dist;

                                    if(att_19_dist > radius_of_action)
                                        particles[index].velocity += targetStrengh * att_19_Dir * deltaTime / att_19_dist;
                                       particles[index].velocity -= targetStrengh * att_19_Dir * deltaTime / att_19_dist;
             float3 vConstVel; 
             vConstVel.x = 0;
             vConstVel.y = 0;
             vConstVel.z = constVel; 
             particles[index].velocity = particles[index].velocity * damping;
	         particles[index].position += particles[index].velocity * deltaTime;

    if(attractor_Count == 0)
        // Direction and distance to target.
	    float3 basedir1 = normalize((base - particles[index].position));
	    float3 orbitdir2 = normalize((orbit - particles[index].position));

	    float basedist1 = distance(base, particles[index].position);
        float orbitdist2 = distance(orbit, particles[index].position);
        float mult1 = orbit_weighting;
        float mult2 = (1 - orbit_weighting);

        float3 vConstVel; 
        vConstVel.x = 0;
        vConstVel.y = 0;
        vConstVel.z = constVel; 

        float len = length(particles[index].position);

        if(particles[index].position.z > 300)
            particles[index].position.z = -300;
        if(basedist1 > radius_of_action)
            particles[index].velocity += mult1 * targetStrengh * basedir1 * deltaTime / basedist1;
            particles[index].velocity -= mult1 * targetStrengh * basedir1 * deltaTime / basedist1;

        if(orbitdist2 > radius_of_action)
            particles[index].velocity += mult2 * targetStrengh * orbitdir2 * deltaTime / orbitdist2;
            particles[index].velocity -= mult2 * targetStrengh * orbitdir2 * deltaTime / orbitdist2;

        particles[index].velocity = particles[index].velocity * damping;
	    particles[index].position += particles[index].velocity * deltaTime + vConstVel* deltaTime;