using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using VRTK; using UnityEngine.UI; public class Attractor_Show_Position : VRTK_InteractableObject { private VRTK_InteractableObject interact; private Vector3 myPosition; private Text posText; private bool isTouched; private Transform center; private MD_Measure_Cube md_Measure_Cube; private bool wasTouched = false; private bool bSnapModeOn = false; private Rigidbody rb; private VRTK_ControllerActions controllerActions; private VRTK_ControllerEvents controllerEvents; private Vector3 vRounded; protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); rb.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous; } void Start() { interact = GetComponent<VRTK_InteractableObject>(); interact.InteractableObjectTouched += new InteractableObjectEventHandler(DoObjectTouched); interact.InteractableObjectUntouched += new InteractableObjectEventHandler(DoObjectUntouched); interact.InteractableObjectGrabbed += new InteractableObjectEventHandler(DoObjectGrabbed); interact.InteractableObjectUngrabbed += new InteractableObjectEventHandler(DoObjectUnGrabbed); rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); Text[] t = GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); posText = t[0]; center = GetComponentInChildren<Inner_Sphere>().transform; posText.text = transform.position.ToString("F2"); isTouched = false; HidePosition(); md_Measure_Cube = FindObjectOfType<MD_Measure_Cube>(); } private void Init() { //interact = GetComponent<VRTK_InteractableObject>(); //interact.InteractableObjectTouched += new InteractableObjectEventHandler(DoObjectTouched); //Text[] t = GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); //posText = t[0]; //posText.text = transform.position.ToString("F2"); //isTouched = true; } //public void SetPosition(int NoteIx) //{ // Text[] t = GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); // t[0].text = transform.position.ToString("F2"); //} public void SetText(string s) { Text[] t = GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); t[0].text = s; } void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collisionInfo) { //argos_SoundGen.playNote(NoteIdx); //dbg_Text.text = " DoObjectTouched_PlayNote called"; } private void DoObjectGrabbed(object sender, InteractableObjectEventArgs e) { } private void DoObjectUnGrabbed(object sender, InteractableObjectEventArgs e) { if (md_Measure_Cube.isTriggerPressed()) { vRounded.y += 80f; rb.position = vRounded; } } //StartTouching(GameObject currentTouchingObject) public override void StartTouching(GameObject touchingObject) { base.StartTouching(touchingObject); controllerActions = touchingObject.GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerActions>(); controllerEvents = touchingObject.GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerEvents>(); controllerActions.TriggerHapticPulse(3333, 0.5f, 0.01f); } private void DoObjectTouched(object sender, InteractableObjectEventArgs e) { isTouched = true; rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll; ShowPosition(); md_Measure_Cube.show_Grid(); } private void DoObjectUntouched(object sender, InteractableObjectEventArgs e) { isTouched = false; HidePosition(); md_Measure_Cube.Update_To_Position(Vector3.zero); md_Measure_Cube.hide_Grid(); StartCoroutine(WaitToUnConstrain()); } private IEnumerator WaitToUnConstrain() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.None; rb.velocity = Vector3.zero; } private float round_to_Point_25(float val) { float doub = val * (4f/5f); doub = Mathf.Round(doub); return doub * (5f/4f); } float waitForUpdate = 0; Vector3 vLast; void Update() { waitForUpdate -= Time.deltaTime; if (waitForUpdate < 0) { if (isTouched) { Vector3 v = rb.position; v.y -= 80; if (md_Measure_Cube.isTriggerPressed()) //snap mode { v.x = round_to_Point_25(v.x); v.y = round_to_Point_25(v.y); v.z = round_to_Point_25(v.z); vRounded = v; if(vLast != v) { SteamVR_Controller.Input(0).TriggerHapticPulse(); } bSnapModeOn = true; } else { if (bSnapModeOn) { this.GetComponent<VRTK_InteractableObject>().ForceStopInteracting(); vRounded.y += 80f; rb.position = vRounded; } bSnapModeOn = false; } md_Measure_Cube.Update_To_Position(v); Vector3 vScaled = v / 5f; posText.text = vScaled.ToString("F2"); if (Camera.main != null) { center.rotation = Camera.main.transform.rotation; } vLast = v; } } } public void ShowPosition() { StopCoroutine("TweenPosTextScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenPosTextScale", true); } public void HidePosition() { StopCoroutine("TweenPosTextScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenPosTextScale", false); } //Simple tweening for menu, scales linearly from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 private IEnumerator TweenPosTextScale(bool show) { float targetScale = 0; Vector3 Dir = -1 * Vector3.one; if (show) { targetScale = 1; Dir = Vector3.one; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops while (i < 250 && ((show && center.localScale.x < targetScale) || (!show && center.localScale.x > targetScale))) { center.localScale += Dir * Time.deltaTime * 2f; //Tweening function - currently 0.25 second linear yield return true; i++; } center.localScale = Dir * targetScale; StopCoroutine("TweenPosTextScale"); } //private void TriggerNote(float volume) //{ // argos_SoundGen.playNote(NoteIdx); //} }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using VRTK; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using NewtonVR; public class ShowHide_UI : MonoBehaviour { public static ShowHide_UI Instance; bool isShown = true; public VRTK_ControllerEvents ctrl_1_events; public VRTK_ControllerEvents ctrl_2_events; public HMD_Ctrl_Tracking hmd_Track; private Slider activeSlider; private float activeSld_Delta; private float activeSld_Adj; [Space(10)] [Header("Show Floor")] [Space(10)] public bool bFloor_isShown = true; public GameObject Floor; public float fadeFloorTime = 0.7f; private CanvasGroup floor_CG; [Space(10)] [Header("Show Grid")] [Space(10)] public GameObject Grid; public bool bGrid_isShown = false; private CanvasGroup grid_CG; public FadeAxes AxesParent; public float fadeGridTime = 0.7f; public GameObject Platonic_Butt_3d_Group; [Space(10)] [Header("UI Offsets")] [Space(10)] public float ui_dist; public float ui_vert_offset; [Space(10)] [Header("Platonic Scaling Interaction")] [Space(10)] public GameObject basePlatonicSolids_GO; public bool platonics_On = false; private bool platonics_tweening = false; [Space(10)] [Header("Grabbable Scaling Interaction")] [Space(10)] public GameObject baseGrabbables_GO; public NVRButton nvrGrababbleShow_Button; public bool grabbables_On = false; private bool grabbables_tweening = false; [Space(10)] [Header("ActiveSlider")] [Space(10)] public Text ActiveSlider_CTRL_Txt; private bool isA_Trigger_Pressed; // Use this for initialization void Start() { Instance = this; ctrl_1_events.ApplicationMenuPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoApplicationMenuPressed); ctrl_2_events.ApplicationMenuPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoApplicationMenuPressed); ctrl_1_events.TouchpadTouchStart += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchStart); ctrl_2_events.TouchpadTouchStart += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchStart); ctrl_1_events.TouchpadTouchEnd += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchEnd); ctrl_2_events.TouchpadTouchEnd += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchEnd); ctrl_1_events.TouchpadAxisChanged += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchpadAxisChanged); ctrl_2_events.TouchpadAxisChanged += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchpadAxisChanged); //GetComponent<VRTK_ControllerEvents>().TouchpadPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchpadPressed); ctrl_1_events.TouchpadPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchpadPressed); ctrl_2_events.TouchpadPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchpadPressed); ctrl_1_events.TriggerPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTriggerPressed); ctrl_2_events.TriggerPressed += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTriggerPressed); ctrl_1_events.TriggerReleased += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTriggerReleased); ctrl_2_events.TriggerReleased += new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTriggerReleased); floor_CG = Floor.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>(); grid_CG = Grid.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>(); TogglePlatonics(); ToggleGrabbables(); } void onApplicationQuit() { ctrl_1_events.ApplicationMenuPressed -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoApplicationMenuPressed); ctrl_2_events.ApplicationMenuPressed -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoApplicationMenuPressed); ctrl_1_events.TouchpadTouchStart -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchStart); ctrl_2_events.TouchpadTouchStart -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchStart); ctrl_1_events.TouchpadTouchEnd -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchEnd); ctrl_2_events.TouchpadTouchEnd -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchPadTouchEnd); ctrl_1_events.TouchpadAxisChanged -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchpadAxisChanged); ctrl_2_events.TouchpadAxisChanged -= new ControllerInteractionEventHandler(DoTouchpadAxisChanged); } private void DoTouchpadPressed(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { activeSlider = null; } private void DoTouchPadTouchStart(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { if(activeSlider != null) { float min = activeSlider.minValue; float max = activeSlider.maxValue; activeSld_Delta = (max - min) / 24f; } } private void DoTouchPadTouchEnd(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { activeSld_Adj = 0f; } private void DoTouchpadAxisChanged(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { activeSld_Adj = activeSld_Delta * e.touchpadAxis.y; } private void DoTriggerPressed(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { isA_Trigger_Pressed = true; } private void DoTriggerReleased(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { isA_Trigger_Pressed = false; } public bool isOne_of_the_Triggers_Pressed() { return isA_Trigger_Pressed; } void Update () { //if(aPlatonicShow_Button.ButtonDown && !platonics_tweening) //{ // TogglePlatonics(); //} if (isA_Trigger_Pressed) { print("A Trigger is Pressed"); } //if (nvrGrababbleShow_Button.ButtonDown && !grabbables_tweening) //{ // ToggleGrabbables(); //} if (activeSlider != null) { ActiveSlider_CTRL_Txt.text = activeSlider.transform.gameObject.name.ToString(); //activeSlider.value += activeSld_Adj * Time.deltaTime; } else { ActiveSlider_CTRL_Txt.text = "NONE SELECTED"; } } private void DoApplicationMenuPressed(object sender, ControllerInteractionEventArgs e) { if (!isShown) { ShowMenu(); } else { HideMenu(); } } public void Toggle_Show_Floor() { if(bFloor_isShown) { Hide_Floor(); } else { Show_Floor(); } } public void grabSlider(Slider sld) { activeSlider = sld; } private void Hide_Floor() { bFloor_isShown = false; StopCoroutine("TweenFloorAlpha"); StartCoroutine("TweenFloorAlpha", bFloor_isShown); } private void Show_Floor() { bFloor_isShown = true; StopCoroutine("TweenFloorAlpha"); StartCoroutine("TweenFloorAlpha", bFloor_isShown); } private IEnumerator TweenFloorAlpha(bool show) { float targetAlpha = 0; float Dir = -1; if (show) { targetAlpha = 1; Dir = 1; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops while (i < 250 && ((show && floor_CG.alpha < targetAlpha) || (!show && floor_CG.alpha > targetAlpha))) { floor_CG.alpha += Dir * Time.deltaTime * fadeFloorTime; //Tweening function yield return true; i++; } floor_CG.alpha = Dir * targetAlpha; StopCoroutine("TweenFloorAlpha"); } public void Toggle_Show_Grid() { if (bGrid_isShown) { Hide_Grid(); } else { Show_Grid(); } } private void Hide_Grid() { bGrid_isShown = false; Platonic_Butt_3d_Group.SetActive(false); StopCoroutine("TweenGridAlpha"); StartCoroutine("TweenGridAlpha", bGrid_isShown); } private void Show_Grid() { bGrid_isShown = true; Platonic_Butt_3d_Group.SetActive(true); StopCoroutine("TweenGridAlpha"); StartCoroutine("TweenGridAlpha", bGrid_isShown); } private IEnumerator TweenGridAlpha(bool show) { float targetAlpha = 0; float Dir = -1; if (show) { targetAlpha = 1; Dir = 1; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops while (i < 250 && ((show && grid_CG.alpha < targetAlpha) || (!show && grid_CG.alpha > targetAlpha))) { grid_CG.alpha += Dir * Time.deltaTime * fadeGridTime; //Tweening function AxesParent.setAlpha(grid_CG.alpha); yield return true; i++; } grid_CG.alpha = Dir * targetAlpha; StopCoroutine("TweenGridAlpha"); } private void Set_UI_Transform() { Transform hmd_trans = hmd_Track.get_HMD_Transform(); if (hmd_trans != null) { Vector3 fwd = hmd_trans.forward; fwd.y = 0f; fwd.Normalize(); Quaternion q = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, Vector3.up); transform.rotation = q; transform.transform.position = hmd_trans.position + fwd * ui_dist + Vector3.up*ui_vert_offset; } } public void ShowMenu() { Set_UI_Transform(); isShown = true; StopCoroutine("TweenMenuScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenMenuScale", isShown); } public void HideMenu() { isShown = false; StopCoroutine("TweenMenuScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenMenuScale", isShown); } //Simple tweening for menu, scales linearly from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 private IEnumerator TweenMenuScale(bool show) { float targetScale = 0; Vector3 Dir = -1 * Vector3.one; if (show) { targetScale = 1; Dir = Vector3.one; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops while (i < 250 && ((show && transform.localScale.x < targetScale) || (!show && transform.localScale.x > targetScale))) { transform.localScale += Dir * Time.deltaTime * 2f; //Tweening function - currently 0.25 second linear yield return true; i++; } transform.localScale = Dir * targetScale; StopCoroutine("TweenMenuScale"); } //PLATONICS public void TogglePlatonics() { platonics_On = !platonics_On; if(platonics_On) { ShowPlatonics(); } else { HidePlatonics(); } } public void ShowPlatonics() { StopCoroutine("TweenPlatonicScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenPlatonicScale", platonics_On); } public void HidePlatonics() { StopCoroutine("TweenPlatonicScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenPlatonicScale", platonics_On); } //Simple tweening for menu, scales linearly from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 private IEnumerator TweenPlatonicScale(bool show) { float targetScale = 0; platonics_tweening = true; Vector3 Dir = -1 * Vector3.one; if (show) { targetScale = 1; Dir = Vector3.one; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops while (i < 250 && ((show && basePlatonicSolids_GO.transform.localScale.x < targetScale) || (!show && basePlatonicSolids_GO.transform.localScale.x > targetScale))) { basePlatonicSolids_GO.transform.localScale += Dir * Time.deltaTime * 2f; //Tweening function - currently 0.25 second linear yield return true; i++; } basePlatonicSolids_GO.transform.localScale = Dir * targetScale; platonics_tweening = false; StopCoroutine("TweenPlatonicScale"); } //Grabbables public void ToggleGrabbables() { grabbables_On = !grabbables_On; if (grabbables_On) { ShowGrabbable(); } else { HideGrabbable(); } } public void ShowGrabbable() { StopCoroutine("TweenGrabbableScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenGrabbableScale", grabbables_On); } public void HideGrabbable() { StopCoroutine("TweenGrabbableScale"); StartCoroutine("TweenGrabbableScale", grabbables_On); } //Simple tweening for menu, scales linearly from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 private IEnumerator TweenGrabbableScale(bool show) { float targetScale = 0; grabbables_tweening = true; Vector3 Dir = -1 * Vector3.one; if (show) { targetScale = 1; Dir = Vector3.one; } int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops while (i < 250 && ((show && baseGrabbables_GO.transform.localScale.x < targetScale) || (!show && baseGrabbables_GO.transform.localScale.x > targetScale))) { baseGrabbables_GO.transform.localScale += Dir * Time.deltaTime * 2f; //Tweening function - currently 0.25 second linear yield return true; i++; } baseGrabbables_GO.transform.localScale = Dir * targetScale; grabbables_tweening = false; StopCoroutine("TweenGrabbableScale"); } }