






What is (OERA) Organization of Electric Researchers and Artists

Oera (OERA) is a blockchain powered network uniting participating researchers and artist.

We are Astronomers, Builders, Cosmologists, Doctors, Engineers, Faculty Members, Geologists, Humanitarians, Illustrators, Jump-Starters, Kineticists, Lab-Techs, Metallurgists, Neurologists, Obstetricians, Painters, Quarry Workers, Riveters, Scientists, Teachers, Underwater-Explorers, Voltage-Testers, Wind Watchers, X Ray Technicians, Yoga Instructors and Zoologists. (A-Z) for fun.

(OERA) features its own native cryptocurrency token, OERA, which performs various governance tasks within the network with a Guardian network of thousands of community-run guardian nodes.

Devlopers are uniting independant researches through existing loosely coupled associations to bring about vital energy and change. A seedling has peeked through the cracks of a brittle, crumbling and failing system. Some of the most fundamental pillars of this system have lost their essential credibility and are crumbling to the ground.

We intend to provide wider dissemination of new approaches learning, scientific theory and the spectral foundations of conciousness and of inquiry. Within this context, we also seek to further illuminate the ancient origins of humanity. We celebrate the dawning of a new awareness, seeking truth in recovery from ages of catastrophically induced cultural amnesia, as recorded in the world’s histories and mythologies.

Each year it becomes more and more apparent there is a sea-change underway. A paradigm shift of staggering proportion that challenges us to re-think EVERYTHING we have ever been taught. A revolution is afoot and gaining momentum with each new floundering proclamation from the


During this time a seedling has peeked through the cracks of a brittle, crumbling and failing academic orthodoxy. Some of the most fundamental tenants of main stream science lose their credibility. From the Big Bang to Black Holes, Dark Matter to Dark Energy, even the currently accepted notions of the interior constitution of the planets, all fail under scrutiny.