

Modal – 2-5-1 {5-4-21}

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using ArgosTweenSpacePuppy;

public class Spoke_Handler : MonoBehaviour

    public bool setLastHeld = false;
    public bool isBeingHeld = false;

    public bool bLOCKED = false;

    public float maxFJForce = 1000f;

    private float reset_Timer = 2f;
    private bool  bReseting = false;

    private Vector3     targetPos;
    private Quaternion  targetRot;
    // +x,+y,+z,-x,-y,-z
    public List<Spoke_AllShape> spoke_AS = new List<Spoke_AllShape>();
    public Rigidbody rb;

    private AF_Instance af_Instance;

    public SphereCollider sphereCollider;

    public AF_Network_Grabable netGrabbable;

    public Touch_Lighting_and_Sound tls;

    public GameObject Target_Bee;

    public Spoke_AllShape SAS1 { get; private set; }
    public Spoke_AllShape SAS2 { get; private set; }

    //private GameObject AllShape_1;
    //private GameObject AllShape_2;
    private GameObject objectToStay;
    private GameObject objectToMove;
    private Spoke_Handler spokeHandler_Object_to_Move;
    private Spoke_Handler spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay;

    private float tAccum_ST = 0f;
    private float tDurr_ST = 1.5f;
    private float tweenVAL = 0f;

    private Vector3[] axisFLIPPER = {  new Vector3 { x = 1,  y = 0,  z = 0 },
                                       new Vector3 { x = 0,  y = 1,  z = 0 },
                                       new Vector3 { x = 0,  y = 0,  z = 1 },
                                       new Vector3 { x = -1, y = 0,  z = 0 },
                                       new Vector3 { x = 0,  y =-1,  z = 0 },
                                       new Vector3 { x = 0,  y = 0,  z = -1},

    public float CollisionSpring = 3000;
    public float CollisionSlerp = 500;

    public void Awake()
        af_Instance = AF_Instance.Instance;
        tls = GetComponent<Touch_Lighting_and_Sound>();
        //TAG Spokes to access target transforms
        for (int i = 0; i<spoke_AS.Count; i++)
            spoke_AS[i].SetParent_AllShape(this, i);

    void Start()

    public void SetColliders_Size(Spoke_AllShape.ColliderSize colliderSize)
        for (int i = 0; i < spoke_AS.Count; i++)

    public void Set_Target_Transform(Transform targ)
        Vector3 center = (objectToMove.transform.position + objectToStay.transform.position) / 2f;
        int idx1 = spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.Closest_Fin(center);
        int idx2 = spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.Closest_Fin(center);

        Vector3 vin = spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.spoke_AS[idx2].trans_to.vIN[idx1];
        Vector3 vup = spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.spoke_AS[idx2].trans_to.vUP[idx1];

        Vector3 vInTrans = objectToStay.transform.TransformDirection(vin);
        Vector3 vUpTrans = objectToStay.transform.TransformDirection(vup);

        targetPos = targ.position;
        targetRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(vInTrans, vUpTrans);

        //Flip it - for minimal rotation to bonding FIN
        if (Vector3.Dot(vUpTrans, objectToMove.transform.up) < 0 || Vector3.Dot(vInTrans, objectToMove.transform.forward) < 0)
            Quaternion qRota = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, axisFLIPPER[idx1]);
            targetRot *= qRota;
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.Target_Bee.transform.position = targetPos;
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.Target_Bee.transform.rotation = targetRot;

    public void SpokeTriggered(int idx, Spoke_AllShape sourceSpoke)
        Spoke_Handler SH1 = spoke_AS[idx].myALL_SHAPE;
        Transform targ1 = spoke_AS[idx].targTransform;
        Spoke_Handler SH2 = sourceSpoke.myALL_SHAPE;
        Transform targ2 = sourceSpoke.targTransform;

        Determine_Target_Movement(SH1, targ1, SH2, targ2);

    public void Determine_Target_Movement(Spoke_Handler AS1, Transform targ1, Spoke_Handler AS2, Transform targ2)
        //Two calls - only take this one
        if (!AS1.bLOCKED && !AS2.bLOCKED && !bReseting /*|| (AS1.GetComponent<Spoke_Handler>().isBeingHeld)*/)
            AS1.bLOCKED = true;
            AS2.bLOCKED = true;

            objectToMove = AS1.gameObject;
            objectToStay = AS2.gameObject;

            spokeHandler_Object_to_Move = objectToMove.GetComponent<Spoke_Handler>();
            spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay = objectToStay.GetComponent<Spoke_Handler>();

            spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.netGrabbable.DropItem(null, true, true);
            spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.netGrabbable.DropItem(null, true, true);


            tAccum_ST = 0.0f;
            Debug.Log("Start COROUTINE:" + Time.time.ToString("F3"));

    private IEnumerator Move_to_Connect()
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.SetAllActive_Colliders(false, false);
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.SetAllActive_Colliders(false, false);

        int i = 0; //Sanity check for infinite loops

        float linProg = tAccum_ST / tDurr_ST;

        while (i < 180 && linProg < 1)
            tAccum_ST += Time.deltaTime;
            linProg = tAccum_ST / tDurr_ST;
            Mathf.Clamp(tAccum_ST, 0, tDurr_ST);

            tweenVAL = EaseMethods.ExpoEaseInOut(tAccum_ST, 0, 1, tDurr_ST);

            yield return true;
        tAccum_ST = tDurr_ST;
        tweenVAL = 1;



        Debug.Log("StopCoroutine(Move_to_Connect)" + Time.time.ToString("F3"));

    private void Move_AllShape_Into_Place(float val)
        objectToMove.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(objectToMove.transform.position, spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.Target_Bee.transform.position, val);
        objectToMove.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(objectToMove.transform.rotation, spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.Target_Bee.transform.rotation, val);

    private void Set_Occupied_and_Form_Bond_These_Spokes()
        Vector3 center = (objectToMove.transform.position + objectToStay.transform.position) / 2f;
        int idx1 = spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.Closest_Fin(center);
        int idx2 = spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.Closest_Fin(center);

        //FixedJoint fj = objectToStay.AddComponent<FixedJoint>();
        //fj.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true;
        //fj.connectedBody = objectToMove.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        ConfigurableJoint joint = objectToStay.AddComponent<ConfigurableJoint>();
        joint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true;
        joint.connectedBody = objectToMove.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        joint.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;

        JointDrive slerpDrive = joint.slerpDrive;
        slerpDrive.positionSpring = 600;

        JointDrive xDrive = joint.xDrive;
        xDrive.positionSpring = 2500;
        JointDrive yDrive = joint.yDrive;
        yDrive.positionSpring = 2500;
        JointDrive zDrive = joint.zDrive;
        zDrive.positionSpring = 2500;

        joint.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;
        joint.xMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
        joint.yMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
        joint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
        joint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
        joint.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
        joint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;

        SoftJointLimit sjl = joint.linearLimit;
        sjl.limit = 15f;

        SoftJointLimitSpring sjlsp = joint.linearLimitSpring;
        sjlsp.spring = 3000;
        sjlsp.damper = 10f;

        // Set X,Y, and Z drive to our values
        // Set X,Y, and Z drive to our values
        setPositionSpring(joint, CollisionSpring, 10f);

        // Slerp drive used for rotation
        setSlerpDrive(joint, CollisionSlerp, 10f);

        spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.setOccupied(idx1, true, spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.spoke_AS[idx2], joint);
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.setOccupied(idx2, true, spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.spoke_AS[idx1], joint);

        spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.SetAllActive_Colliders(true, true);
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.SetAllActive_Colliders(true, true);

        if (spokeHandler_Object_to_Move && spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay)
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Move.bLOCKED = false;
        spokeHandler_Object_to_Stay.bLOCKED = false;

    public void setOccupied(int spokeIDX, bool bOccupied, Spoke_AllShape connectedSpoke, ConfigurableJoint cj)
        spoke_AS[spokeIDX].bOccupied = bOccupied;
        tls.Light_Occupied(spoke_AS[spokeIDX], bOccupied);

        spoke_AS[spokeIDX].connectedSpoke = connectedSpoke;
        spoke_AS[spokeIDX].cj = cj;

    void setPositionSpring(ConfigurableJoint connectedJoint, float spring, float damper)

        if (connectedJoint == null)

        JointDrive xDrive = connectedJoint.xDrive;
        xDrive.positionSpring = spring;
        xDrive.positionDamper = damper;
        connectedJoint.xDrive = xDrive;

        JointDrive yDrive = connectedJoint.yDrive;
        yDrive.positionSpring = spring;
        yDrive.positionDamper = damper;
        connectedJoint.yDrive = yDrive;

        JointDrive zDrive = connectedJoint.zDrive;
        zDrive.positionSpring = spring;
        zDrive.positionDamper = damper;
        connectedJoint.zDrive = zDrive;

    void setSlerpDrive(ConfigurableJoint connectedJoint, float slerp, float damper)
        if (connectedJoint)
            JointDrive slerpDrive = connectedJoint.slerpDrive;
            slerpDrive.positionSpring = slerp;
            slerpDrive.positionDamper = damper;
            connectedJoint.slerpDrive = slerpDrive;

    public void SetAllActive_Colliders(bool bOn, bool bSphereCollider)
        sphereCollider.enabled = bSphereCollider;
        rb.isKinematic = false; //MORE CONSIDERATIONS HERE - Possible timer to relieve sim load
        for (int i = 0; i < spoke_AS.Count; i++)
            if (spoke_AS[i].bOccupied)

    public int Closest_Fin(Vector3 testPos)
        int idxMin = 0;
        float minDistance = 1000000f;
        float dist;
        for (int i = 0; i < spoke_AS.Count; i++)
            dist = (spoke_AS[i].fin_LOC.position - testPos).sqrMagnitude;
                idxMin = i;
                minDistance = dist;
        return idxMin;

    public void SetAllColliders(bool bOn)
        sphereCollider.enabled = bOn;
        rb.isKinematic = true; //MORE CONSIDERATIONS HERE
        for (int i = 0; i < spoke_AS.Count; i++)
            spoke_AS[i].bOccupied = false;

    public void Reset_Spokes_On_Grab()
        for (int i = 0; i < spoke_AS.Count; i++)
            if (spoke_AS[i].bOccupied)

    public void Disconect_AllShape()
        for(int i = 0; i<spoke_AS.Count; i++)

    IEnumerator Wait_To_Reset_Spokes()
        bReseting = true;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(reset_Timer);
        for (int i = 0; i < spoke_AS.Count; i++)

        bReseting = false;

    //public void Remove_FJs()
    //    FixedJoint[] fj = GetComponents<FixedJoint>();
    //    if (fj.Length > 0)
    //    {
    //        for (int i = 0; i < fj.Length; i++)
    //        {
    //            if (Vector3.Magnitude(fj[i].currentForce) > maxFJForce)
    //            {
    //                Debug.Log("Breaking Bond");

    //                int idx = -1;
    //                AF_Instance.AF_Bond AFB = af_Instance.Find_Bond(fj[i], ref idx);
    //                if (AFB != null)
    //                {
    //                    bReseting = true;
    //                    Debug.Log("AF_Instance.AllShape_Bond ASB");

    //                    AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Moved.spoke_AS[AFB.fin_Moved_IDX].bOccupied = false;
    //                    AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Stayed.spoke_AS[AFB.fin_Stayed_IDX].bOccupied = false;

    //                    Spoke_Handler s1 = AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Moved;
    //                    Spoke_Handler s2 = AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Stayed;

    //                    StartCoroutine(Wait_To_Reset_Spokes(s1, s2));

    //                    //ASB.spokeHandler_Object_Moved.SetAllActive_Colliders(true, true);
    //                    //ASB.spokeHandler_Object_Stayed.SetAllActive_Colliders(true, true);

    //                    af_Instance.Remove_Bond(idx);
    //                }
    //                fj[i].connectedBody = null;
    //                Destroy(fj[i]);
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }

    void Update()
        //FixedJoint[] fj = GetComponents<FixedJoint>();
        //if (fj.Length > 0)
        //    for (int i = 0; i < fj.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (Vector3.Magnitude(fj[i].currentForce) > maxFJForce)
        //        {
        //            Debug.Log("Breaking Bond");

        //            int idx = -1;
        //            AF_Instance.AF_Bond AFB = af_Instance.Find_Bond(fj[i], ref idx);
        //            if (AFB != null)
        //            {
        //                bReseting = true;
        //                Debug.Log("AF_Instance.AllShape_Bond ASB");

        //                AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Moved.spoke_AS[AFB.fin_Moved_IDX].bOccupied = false;
        //                AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Stayed.spoke_AS[AFB.fin_Stayed_IDX].bOccupied = false;

        //                Spoke_Handler s1 = AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Moved;
        //                Spoke_Handler s2 = AFB.spokeHandler_Object_Stayed;

        //                StartCoroutine(Wait_To_Reset_Spokes(s1, s2));

        //                //ASB.spokeHandler_Object_Moved.SetAllActive_Colliders(true, true);
        //                //ASB.spokeHandler_Object_Stayed.SetAllActive_Colliders(true, true);

        //                af_Instance.Remove_Bond(idx);
        //            }
        //            fj[i].connectedBody = null;
        //            Destroy(fj[i]);
        //        }
        //    }

        if (setLastHeld)
            af_Instance.last_Held_AllShape = this.gameObject;
            setLastHeld = false;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine;

public class Spoke_AllShape : MonoBehaviour
    public enum ColliderSize
    private float colRadius;
    private Vector3 colCenter;

    public  Spoke_Handler myALL_SHAPE { get; private set; }
    private int myIDx;
    private Collider myCollider;
    public  Trans_To trans_to { get; private set; }//holds destination orientation info
    public  Transform targTransform { get; private set; }

    public bool bOccupied = false;
    public Spoke_AllShape connectedSpoke = null;
    public ConfigurableJoint cj = null;

    public  GameObject fin;
    private Material fin_Mat;
    public  Transform fin_LOC;

    private int frameCounter;

    private Color albedo_Normal;
    private Color emissive_Normal;
    private Color albedo_Occupied;
    private Color emissive_Occupied;

    private void Awake()
        fin_Mat = fin.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
        myCollider      = GetComponent<SphereCollider>();
        trans_to        = GetComponentInChildren<Trans_To>();
        targTransform   = trans_to.gameObject.transform;

        colRadius = ((SphereCollider)myCollider).radius;
        colCenter = ((SphereCollider)myCollider).center;

    void Start()
        for(int i = 0; i < myALL_SHAPE.spoke_AS.Count; i++)
            if (myCollider != myALL_SHAPE.spoke_AS[i].myCollider)
                Physics.IgnoreCollision(myCollider, myALL_SHAPE.spoke_AS[i].myCollider, true);

    public void SetBaseColors(Color an, Color en, Color ao, Color eo)
        albedo_Normal       = an;
        emissive_Normal     = en;
        albedo_Occupied     = ao;
        emissive_Occupied   = eo;

    public void Set_Collider_Size(ColliderSize size)
        if(size == ColliderSize.LARGE)
            ((SphereCollider)myCollider).radius = colRadius * 1.5f;
            ((SphereCollider)myCollider).center = colCenter * 1.5f;
            ((SphereCollider)myCollider).radius = colRadius;
            ((SphereCollider)myCollider).center = colCenter;

    public void SetColors(Color albedo, Color emissive)
        fin_Mat.SetColor("_Color", albedo);
        fin_Mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", emissive);

    public void SetParent_AllShape(Spoke_Handler spAS, int iDx)
        myALL_SHAPE = spAS;
        myIDx       = iDx;

    public void enableCollider(bool bOn)
        myCollider.enabled = bOn;

    public void Remove_Configurable_Joint()
        if (cj != null)
            cj.connectedBody = null;

    public void setOccupied(bool bOccupy)
        if(bOccupy == false)
            if (connectedSpoke != null)
                connectedSpoke.bOccupied = false;
                connectedSpoke.myCollider.enabled = true;
                connectedSpoke = null;

        bOccupied = bOccupy;
        //myCollider.enabled = !bOccupy;

    private void Update()
        if (++frameCounter > 20)
            frameCounter = 0;
            if (bOccupied)
                SetColors(albedo_Occupied, emissive_Occupied);
                SetColors(albedo_Normal, emissive_Normal);

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider coll)
        Spoke_AllShape sas = coll.GetComponent<Spoke_AllShape>();

        Debug.Log("From - " + gameObject.name + "received Trigger enter from: " + coll.gameObject.name);

        if (sas.myALL_SHAPE == myALL_SHAPE)
        Debug.Log("CHECK OCCUPIED");

        if (sas != null && !bOccupied && !sas.bOccupied && !myALL_SHAPE.bLOCKED && !sas.myALL_SHAPE.bLOCKED)
            sas.myALL_SHAPE.SetAllActive_Colliders(false, false);

            myALL_SHAPE.SpokeTriggered(myIDx, sas);   
}//Debug.Log("From - " + gameObject.name + "received Trigger enter from: " + coll.gameObject.name + "Sending to spoke handler");