devNotes 5-31-16 fundamental lock, voice tracking, harmonizing




using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;


public class MicrophoneInput : MonoBehaviour
    AudioSource audioSource;
    string micName;

    public float freq;
    public int micSampleRate = 11024;
    public int globalSampleRate;
    public double dt;

    [Range(0.002f, 0.005f)]
    public float dTime = 0.005f;

    [Range(0, 5)]
    public double gain = 1;

    [Range(0, 1)]
    public double gain1 = 1;

    [Range(0, 1)]
    public double gain2 = 1;

    [Range(0, 1)]
    public double gain3 = 1;

    [Range(0.00f, 20f)]
    public double multInterval1 = 1;

    [Range(0.00f, 20f)]
    public double multInterval2 = 1;

    [Range(0.00f, 20f)]
    public double multInterval3 = 1;

    [Range(0.01f, 0.02f)]
    public double phase1base = 0.01;

    [Range(0.01f, 0.02f)]
    public double phase2base = 0.01;

    [Range(0.01f, 0.02f)]
    public double phase3base = 0.01;

    [Range(0.0f, 1f)]
    public double attack1 = 0.01;

    [Range(0.0f, 1f)]
    public double decay1 = 0.01;

    [Range(0.0f, 1f)]
    public double attack2 = 0.01;

    [Range(0.0f, 1f)]
    public double decay2 = 0.01;

    [Range(0.0f, 1f)]
    public double attack3 = 0.01;

    [Range(0.0f, 1f)]
    public double decay3 = 0.01f;

    public bool bVoiceHigh = true;
    public bool bVoiceMid = true;
    public bool bVoiceLow = true;

    double phase1;
    double phase2;
    double phase3;

    double amp1;
    double amp2;
    double amp3;

    private double nextTick = 0.0F;
    private double amp = 0.0F;
    private double phase = 0.0F;

    private int accent;
    private bool running = false;

    //B3	    0.004124562		242.45
    //C4	    0.00389302		256.87
    // C#4/Db4	0.003674579		272.14
    //D4	    0.003468248		288.33

    //D#4/Eb4	0.003273644		305.47
    //E4	    0.003089948		323.63
    //F4	    0.002916472		342.88
    // F#4/Gb4	0.002752773		363.27
    //G4	    0.00259828		384.87

    //G#4/Ab4	0.002452483		407.75
    //A4	    0.002314815		432

    //A#4/Bb4	0.002184885		457.69
    //B4	    0.002062281		484.9
    //C5	    0.00194651		513.74

private float[] _freqs = { 249.66f, 264.505f, 280.235f, 296.9f, 314.55f, 333.255f, 353.075f, 374.07f, 396.31f, 419.875f, 444.845f, 471.295f, 499.32f };
    private float[] _dtime = { 0.004124562f, 0.00389302f, 0.003674579f, 0.003468248f, 0.003273644f, 0.003089948f, 0.002916472f,
                                0.002752773f, 0.00259828f, 0.002452483f, 0.002314815f, 0.002184885f, 0.002062281f};

        //249.66	0.004124562
        //264.505	0.00389302
        //280.235	0.003674579
        //296.9	    0.003468248
        //314.55	0.003273644
        //333.255	0.003089948
        //353.075	0.002916472
        //374.07	0.002752773
        //396.31	0.00259828
        //419.875	0.002452483
        //444.845	0.002314815
        //471.295	0.002184885
        //499.32	0.002062281

    private int _record_Head = 0;
    private int _play_head = 0;

    [Range(0.00f, 1.5f)]
    public float echoTime;

    public float delayTime = 0f;

    [Range(0f, 1f)]
    public float echoAttenuation;

    private float[] echoBuffer = new float[(int)(48000 * 2 * 1.5f)];

    void Start()
        audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

        foreach (string device in Microphone.devices)
            Debug.Log("Name: " + device);

        micName = Microphone.devices[0];

        audioSource.clip = Microphone.Start(null, true, 10, micSampleRate);
        audioSource.loop = true; // Set the AudioClip to loop
                                 //audioSource.mute = true; // Mute the sound, we don't want the player to hear it
        while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(micName) > 0)) { } // Wait until the recording has started

        audioSource.time = audioSource.clip.length - .03f;
        audioSource.Play(); // Play the audio source!        

        globalSampleRate = AudioSettings.outputSampleRate;

    void Update()
        freq = GetFundamentalFrequency();

    float GetFundamentalFrequency()
        float fundamentalFrequency = 0.0f;
        float[] data = new float[8192];
        audioSource.GetSpectrumData(data, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);
        float s = 0.0f;
        int i = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j <1200; j++)
            if (s < data[j])
                s = data[j];
                i = j;
        fundamentalFrequency = 1.08688f*(i * 2* (float)micSampleRate / 8192);
        return fundamentalFrequency;
    int count1 = 0;
    int count2 = 0;
    int count3 = 0;

    double phasemult1 = 3.0f;
    double phasemult2 = 2.0f;
    double phasemult3 = 1.0f;

    bool switch1 = true;
    bool switch2 = true;
    bool switch3 = true;

    double time1;
    double time2;
    double time3;

    double accumTime;

    bool aOn = true;

    double ampSamp(int voice, double sampTime)
        amp = 0;

        if (voice == 1)
            if (sampTime - time1 < attack1)
                amp =  CubicEaseIn(sampTime - time1, 0, 1, attack1);
            else if (accumTime - time1 < attack1 + decay1)
                amp = CubicEaseOut((sampTime - time1 - attack1), 1, -1, decay1);
                amp = 0;

        if (voice == 2)
            if (sampTime - time2 < attack2)
                amp = CubicEaseIn(sampTime - time2, 0, 1, attack2);
            else if (accumTime - time2 < attack2 + decay2)
                amp = CubicEaseOut((sampTime - time2 - attack2), 1, -1, decay2);
                amp = 0;

        if (voice == 3)
            if (sampTime - time3 < attack3)
                amp = CubicEaseIn(sampTime - time3, 0, 1, attack3);
            else if (accumTime - time3 < attack3 + decay3)
                amp = CubicEaseOut((sampTime - time3 - attack3), 1, -1, decay3);
                amp = 0;

        return amp;

    double WDT = 1; //Why Do This?

    float dTIME = 0f;
    void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels)

        accumTime = (double)AudioSettings.dspTime;

        //private float[] _freqs = { 249.66f, 264.505f, 280.235f, 296.9f, 314.55f, 333.255f, 353.075f, 374.07f, 396.31f, 419.875f, 444.845f, 471.295f,499.32f };
        //   private float[] _dtime = { 0.004124562f, 0.00389302f, 0.003674579f, 0.003468248f, 0.003273644f, 0.003089948f, 0.002916472f,
        //                               0.002752773f, 0.00259828f, 0.002452483f, 0.002314815f, 0.002184885f, 0.002062281f};

        //float dTIME = dTime;
        //for (int i = 0; i<12; i++)
        //    if(freq > 2*_freqs[i] && freq < 2*_freqs[i+1])
        //    {
        //        dTIME = _dtime[i + 1];
        //    }
        // phase1 = dTime * 2f * Mathf.PI / globalSampleRate;

        if (count1++ > 10 * multInterval1)
            time1 = accumTime;//Attack
            if (switch1)
                if (++phasemult1 > 11)
                    switch1 = false;
                if (--phasemult1 < 2)
                    switch1 = true;
            count1 = 0;
            dTIME = _dtime[(int)phasemult1];

        //if (count2++ > 10* multInterval2)

        //    time2 = accumTime;//Attack
        //    if (switch2)
        //    {
        //        if (++phasemult2 > 4)
        //        {
        //            switch2= false;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        if (--phasemult2 < 4)
        //        {
        //            switch2 = true;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    count2 = 0;

        //if (count3++ > 10*multInterval3)
        //    time3 = accumTime;//Attack
        //    if (switch3)
        //    {
        //        if (++phasemult3 > 2)
        //        {
        //            switch3 = false;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        if (--phasemult3 < 2)
        //        {
        //            switch3 = true;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    count3 = 0;

        double samples = AudioSettings.dspTime * globalSampleRate;
        int dataLen = data.Length / channels;
        double deltTime = (AudioSettings.dspTime / samples);
        int n = 0;

        double a, b, c;

        double sampTime = accumTime;

        dt =  deltTime/ dTIME * 2f * Mathf.PI ;

        while (n < dataLen)
            sampTime += deltTime;

            if (bVoiceHigh) a = WDT * gain * /*ampSamp(1, sampTime)*/ Math.Sin(phase1); else a = 0;//ampSamp(1,sampTime) 
            if (bVoiceMid) b = WDT * gain * /*ampSamp(2, sampTime) */ Math.Sin(phase2); else b = 0;
            if (bVoiceLow) c = WDT * gain * /*ampSamp(3, sampTime) */ Math.Sin(phase3); else c = 0;

            float x = (float)(gain1*a + gain2*b + gain3*c);
            int i = 0;

            while (i < channels)
                record(data[n * channels + i] + playback(delayTime));

                //data[n * channels + i] = (float)a;
                data[n * channels + i] = playback();

            phase1 += dt;
            if (phase1 > Math.PI * 2f) phase1 = 0f;

            phase2 += phase2base * phasemult2;
            if (phase2 > Math.PI * 2f) phase2 = 0f;

            phase3 += phase3base * phasemult3;
            if (phase3 > Math.PI * 2f) phase3 = 0f;

    /// </summary>
    /// <param name= t  "current">how long into the ease are we</param>
    /// <param name= b  "initialValue">starting value if current were 0</param>
    /// <param name= c  "totalChange">total change in the value (not the end value, but the end - start)</param>
    /// <param name= d  "duration">the total amount of time (when current == duration, the returned value will == initial + totalChange)</param>
    /// <returns></returns>

    private void record(float samp)
        if (++_record_Head > echoBuffer.Length-1) _record_Head = 0;

        echoBuffer[_record_Head] = samp;

    private float playback()
        _play_head = (int)(_record_Head - (echoTime * globalSampleRate * 2f));
        if (_play_head < 0) _play_head = (int)(1.5f * globalSampleRate * 2f) + _play_head;

        return echoBuffer[_play_head] * echoAttenuation;


    private float playback(float delay)
        int delay_head = (int)(_record_Head + (delayTime* globalSampleRate * 2f));
        if(delay_head < 0) delay_head = (int)(1.5f * globalSampleRate * 2f) + delay_head;
        if (delay_head > echoBuffer.Length - 1) delay_head = delay_head - (echoBuffer.Length - 1);

        _play_head = (int)(delay_head - (echoTime * globalSampleRate * 2f));
        if (_play_head < 0) _play_head = (int)(1.5f * globalSampleRate * 2f) + _play_head;

        return echoBuffer[_play_head] * echoAttenuation;


    public static double CubicEaseOut(double t, double b, double c, double d)
        if (t < d)
            return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b;
            return b + c;

    public static double CubicEaseIn(double t, double b, double c, double d)
        if (t < d)
            return c * (t /= d) * t * t + b;
            return b + c;

//public class MicrophoneInput : MonoBehaviour
//    public double sensitivity = 100;
//    public double loudness = 0;

//    public Text dbg_Text;

//    string micName;

//    AudioSource audioSource;

//    void Start()
//    {
//        audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

//        foreach (string device in Microphone.devices)
//        {
//            Debug.Log("Name: " + device);
//        }

//        micName = Microphone.devices[0];

//        audioSource.clip = Microphone.Start(null, true, 10, 44100);
//        audioSource.loop = true; // Set the AudioClip to loop
//        //audioSource.mute = true; // Mute the sound, we don't want the player to hear it
//        while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(micName) > 0)) { } // Wait until the recording has started
//        audioSource.Play(); // Play the audio source!
//    }

//    void Update()
//    {
//        //if (audioSource.isPlaying == false && Microphone.GetPosition(micName) > 1)
//        //{
//        //    audioSource.Play();
//        //}

//        loudness = GetAveragedVolume() * sensitivity;
//        dbg_Text.text = "Loudness = " + loudness.ToString("F8");
//    }

//    double GetAveragedVolume()
//    {
//        double[] data = new double[256];
//        double a = 0;
//        GetComponent<AudioSource>().GetOutputData(data, 0);
//        foreach (double s in data)
//        {
//            a += Mathf.Abs(s);
//        }
//        return a / 256;
//    }




music-pitch-432-fibonacci (1)



