Test Pattern
First Pass:
public int Find_UV_PointQuality(Vector3 vTestPoint)//thinking about generalizing { Vector2 vTestScaled; float rHex = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.PI / 6);//units normalized to fCelHeight Vector2 vCT_M; Vector2 A, AB, BC, AM; vTestScaled.x = vTestPoint.x; vTestScaled.y = vTestPoint.y; vTestScaled /= m_fCelHt; float cs = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI/3); float sn = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI/3); for (int i = 0; i< 18; i++) { vCT_M = vTestScaled - vQualCenter[i]; if (vCT_M.magnitude < rHex) { A.x = -rHex; A.y = -1 / 2; AB.x = 0; AB.y = 1; BC.x = 2 * rHex; BC.y = 0f; AM = vCT_M - A; int VerfiedCnt = 0; float dotAB_AM; float dotAB_AB; float dotBC_AM; float dotBC_BC; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { dotAB_AM = Vector2.Dot(AB, AM); dotAB_AB = Vector2.Dot(AB, AB); dotBC_AM = Vector2.Dot(BC, AM); dotBC_BC = Vector2.Dot(BC, BC); if (dotAB_AM > 0 && dotAB_AM < dotAB_AB && dotBC_AM > 0 && dotBC_AM < dotBC_BC) { if(++VerfiedCnt == 3) { //In This Cell return i; } Rota2D(ref A, Mathf.PI / 3); Rota2D(ref AB, Mathf.PI / 3); Rota2D(ref BC, Mathf.PI / 3); AM = vCT_M - A; } } } } return TriQual.UNDEFINED; } public void Rota2D(ref Vector2 v, float thetaRad) { float cs = Mathf.Cos(thetaRad); float sn = Mathf.Sin(thetaRad); v.x = v.x * cs - v.y * sn; v.y = v.x * sn + v.y * cs; }
Go through these…
Vector2[] vQualCenters = new[] { new Vector2(0, 0), //A new Vector2(0, 1), //B (m_fCelHt) new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, 0.5f), //C new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, 0.5f), //D new Vector2(0, -1), //E new Vector2( -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, -0.5f),//F new Vector2( -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, 0.5f), //G new Vector2(0,2), //H new Vector2(1f, Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //I new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f), 1f), //J new Vector2(2, 0), //K new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f), -1f), //L new Vector2(1f, -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //M new Vector2(0,-2), //N new Vector2(-1f, -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //O new Vector2(-Mathf.Sqrt(3f), -1f), //P new Vector2(-2, 0), //Q new Vector2(-Mathf.Sqrt(3f), 1f), //R new Vector2(-1f, Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //S };
Variable Updates
public int FindCenterQuality(Vector3 vTestPoint, float fCelHeight)//thinking about generalizing { //radius quick reject/find //triple rectangle rotation verify - transform - Up In Right //m_vnPointing = transform.forward; //m_vPointingLoc = m_vnPointing * cosaHedra.radius; //Angle_to_Rotate = 360 / (float)NUM_cells_Circ; //m_fCelHt = Mathf.Tan(2f * Mathf.PI * Angle_to_Rotate / 360f) * cosaHedra.radius; //TOA -> AO/A = O //m_rHex = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.PI / 6f) * m_fCelHt; //m_fRadius_UV = (256f / 121f) * m_fCelHt;//from texture return TriQual.UNDEFINED; } public void Paint_UV(float fCelHeight) { Vector3 cPos = transform.forward * cosaHedra.radius;//m_vPointingLoc ICO_ArgosDraft = cosaHedra.getArgosMeshDraft(); List<int> tL = ICO_ArgosDraft.triangles; List<Vector3> vL = ICO_ArgosDraft.vertices; List<Vector2> uvL = ICO_ArgosDraft.uv; List<int> tQual = ICO_ArgosDraft.vQual;//triangle center quality List<Vector3> tCent = ICO_ArgosDraft.vTriCenter; int numVerts = tL.Count; Vector3 vTCProjection;//Tri Center Projection Vector3 vTC; //Tri Center Location Vector3 vVProj; //Tri Vertex Projection Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[3]; bool reject = false; Vector3 vIn; Vector3 vUp; Vector3 vRight; int iQuality = TriQual.UNDEFINED; float x, y; for (int i = 0; i < numVerts - 2; i += 3) { vTC = tCent[tL[i]];//requires this.transform at origin - can generalize //project onto UV Plane vTCProjection.x = Vector3.Dot(vTC, transform.right) * cosaHedra.radius / Vector3.Dot(vTC, transform.forward); vTCProjection.y = Vector3.Dot(vTC, transform.up) * cosaHedra.radius / Vector3.Dot(vTC, transform.forward); vTCProjection.z = 0f; //2D UV Plane if (vTCProjection.magnitude < 1.414 * m_fRadius_UV)//in range of texture { //Determine quality here iQuality = FindCenterQuality(vTCProjection, fCelHeight); for (int k = i; k < i + 3; k++) { vUp = transform.up; vIn = vL[tL[k]].normalized; vRight = Vector3.Cross(vUp, vIn); Vector3.Normalize(vRight); vUp = Vector3.Cross(vIn, vRight); vVProj = vL[tL[k]] - m_vPointingLoc; //TODO NOT PROJ YET - push out to plane of UV - Avoid Lensing vVProj /= m_fRadius_UV * 2; x = 0.5f + Vector3.Dot(vVProj, vRight); y = 0.5f + Vector3.Dot(vVProj, vUp); if (x >= 0 && x <= 1 && y >= 0 && y <= 1)//Check if each triangle vertex is within bounds of texture { uv[k - i] = new Vector2(x, y); } else reject = true; } if (!reject) { for (int k = i; k < i + 3; k++) { uvL[tL[k]] = uv[k - i]; } } reject = false; } } cosaHedra.writeMesh(); }
Ready to Start now 
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.UI; using ProceduralToolkit; using System.IO; //Argos Solid Angle Painter 4/17/16 // //This class is designed to be located at the center of the ArgosSphere/Cosahedra //Its transform is used to index/locate/analyze and paint cells on the surface of the Cosahedra public class ArgosSolidAnglePainter : MonoBehaviour { StreamWriter sWrite; public int NUM_cells_Circ = 60; public float Angle_to_Rotate = 10f; public GameObject hexPrefab; public float fRadius_UV = 0.04f; GameObject ArgosSphere; ArgosSphere_Indexing asi; ArgSphereUtility asu; GameObject IcoSphere; Cosahedra cosaHedra; GameObject userMovement; UserMovement uMove; ArgosMeshDraft ICO_ArgosDraft; public Vector3 m_vnPointing; public Vector3 m_vPointLoc; public float m_fCelHt; //individual Cell Height public float m_rHex; //radius of individual Cell void Start() { sWrite = new StreamWriter("Argos_Topology.txt"); ArgosSphere = GameObject.Find("Argos_Sphere"); asi = ArgosSphere.GetComponent<ArgosSphere_Indexing>(); asu = GetComponent<ArgSphereUtility>(); IcoSphere = GameObject.Find("Ico_Sphere"); cosaHedra = IcoSphere.GetComponent<Cosahedra>(); userMovement = GameObject.Find("User_Movement"); uMove = userMovement.GetComponent<UserMovement>(); //Color col = getRandColor(); //asu.init(); //Vector3 pos = asi.HexQuads[4096].GetCenter(); //asu.lightHex(4096, hexPrefab, col); } void Update() { m_vnPointing = transform.forward; m_vPointLoc = m_vnPointing * cosaHedra.radius; Angle_to_Rotate = 360 / (float)NUM_cells_Circ; m_fCelHt = Mathf.Tan(2f * Mathf.PI * Angle_to_Rotate / 360f) * cosaHedra.radius; //TOA -> AO/A = O m_rHex = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.PI / 6f) * m_fCelHt; fRadius_UV = (256f / 121f) * m_fCelHt;//from texture } Vector2[] vQualCenters = new[] { new Vector2(0, 0), //A new Vector2(0, 1), //B (m_fCelHt) new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, 0.5f), //C new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, 0.5f), //D new Vector2(0, -1), //E new Vector2( -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, -0.5f),//F new Vector2( -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, 0.5f), //G new Vector2(0,2), //H new Vector2(1f, Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //I new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f), 1f), //J new Vector2(2, 0), //K new Vector2(Mathf.Sqrt(3f), -1f), //L new Vector2(1f, -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //M new Vector2(0,-2), //N new Vector2(-1f, -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //O new Vector2(-Mathf.Sqrt(3f), -1f), //P new Vector2(-2, 0), //Q new Vector2(-Mathf.Sqrt(3f), 1f), //R new Vector2(-1f, Mathf.Sqrt(3f)), //S }; public int FindCenterQuality(Vector3 vTestPoint, float fCelHeight) { //ABOUT Ready to Start This :) return TriQual.UNDEFINED; } public void Paint_UV(float fCelHeight) { Vector3 cPos = transform.forward * cosaHedra.radius;//m_vPointLoc ICO_ArgosDraft = cosaHedra.getArgosMeshDraft(); List<int> tL = ICO_ArgosDraft.triangles; List<Vector3> vL = ICO_ArgosDraft.vertices; List<Vector2> uvL = ICO_ArgosDraft.uv; int numVerts = tL.Count; Vector3 vToLoc; Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[3]; bool reject = false; Vector3 vC; Vector3 vIn; Vector3 vUp; Vector3 vRight; int iQuality = TriQual.UNDEFINED; float x, y; for (int i = 0; i < numVerts - 2; i += 3) { vC = (vL[tL[i]] + vL[tL[i + 1]] + vL[tL[i + 2]]) / 3f; vToLoc = vC; vToLoc.x = Vector3.Dot(vToLoc, transform.right) * cosaHedra.radius / Vector3.Dot(vToLoc, transform.forward); vToLoc.y = Vector3.Dot(vToLoc, transform.up) * cosaHedra.radius / Vector3.Dot(vToLoc, transform.forward); vToLoc.z = 0f; if (vToLoc.magnitude < 1.414 * fRadius_UV)//in range of texture { //Determine quality here iQuality = FindCenterQuality(vToLoc, fCelHeight); for (int k = i; k < i + 3; k++) { vUp = transform.up; vIn = vL[tL[k]].normalized; vRight = Vector3.Cross(vUp, vIn); Vector3.Normalize(vRight); vUp = Vector3.Cross(vIn, vRight); vToLoc = vL[tL[k]] - cPos; //push out to plane of UV - Avoid Lensing vToLoc /= fRadius_UV * 2; x = 0.5f + Vector3.Dot(vToLoc, vRight); y = 0.5f + Vector3.Dot(vToLoc, vUp); if (x >= 0 && x <= 1 && y >= 0 && y <= 1)//Check if each triangle vertex is within bounds of texture { uv[k - i] = new Vector2(x, y); } else reject = true; } if (!reject) { for (int k = i; k < i + 3; k++) { uvL[tL[k]] = uv[k - i]; } } reject = false; } } cosaHedra.writeMesh(); } //C = scaleFactor //D = scaleFactor * Sqrt(3) //0) Rotate on X -> -C //1) Rotate on X -> -C/2 Rotate on Y -> C* Sqrt(3)/2 //2) Rotate on X -> (C/2) Rotate on Y -> C* Sqrt(3)/2 //3) Rotate on X -> (C) //4) Rotate on X -> (C/2) Rotate on Y -> (-C* Sqrt(3)/2) //5) Rotate on X -> -C/2 Rotate on Y -> (-C* Sqrt(3)/2) //6) Rotate on X -> -D* Sqrt(3)/2 Rotate on Y -> D/2 //7) Rotate on Y -> -D //8) Rotate on X -> (D* Sqrt(3)/2) Rotate on Y D/2 //9) Rotate on X -> (D* Sqrt(3)/2) Rotate on Y(-D/2) //10) Rotate on Y -> (D) //11) Rotate on X -> -D* Sqrt(3)/2) Rotate on Y(-D/2) Vector2[] rota = new[] { new Vector2(-1, 0), new Vector2(-0.5f, Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f), new Vector2(0.5f, Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f), new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(0.5f, -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f), new Vector2(-0.5f, -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f), new Vector2( -Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2( Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f,0.5f), new Vector2( Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f,-0.5f), new Vector2(0, -1), new Vector2(- Mathf.Sqrt(3f)/2f,-0.5f) }; public void onUV_Indexed_Paint(int i) { float scaleFactor = 1; float dir = 1; Angle_to_Rotate = 360 / (float)NUM_cells_Circ; if ((i > 5 && i < 12) || (i > 17 && i < 24)) { scaleFactor = Mathf.Sqrt(3); } if (i > 11) { dir = -1f; i -= 12; } m_fCelHt = Mathf.Tan(2f * Mathf.PI * Angle_to_Rotate / 360f) * cosaHedra.radius; fRadius_UV = (256f / 121f) * m_fCelHt; float angleX = rota[i].x * Angle_to_Rotate * scaleFactor * dir; float angleY = rota[i].y * Angle_to_Rotate * scaleFactor * dir; transform.Rotate(angleX, 0, 0); transform.Rotate(0, angleY, 0); Paint_UV(m_fCelHt); } Color getRandColor() { Color col; col.r = 0.4f + Random.Range(0.0f, 0.6f); col.g = 0.5f + Random.Range(0.0f, 0.5f); col.b = 0.1f + Random.Range(0.0f, 0.9f); col.a = 0.8f + Random.Range(0.0f, 0.2f); return col; } }
How do I block touch events from propagating through Unity.UI ?
There are three ways to do this, as demonstrated in this video tutorial.
- Use EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject
- Convert your OnMouseXXX and Raycasts to an EventSystem trigger. Use a physics raycaster on the camera
- Implement the various handler interfaces from the EventSystems namespace. Use a physics raycaster on the camera.
Number one is easiest for a quick and dirty solution. Number three is far more powerful, and I would recommend it as the default for all new projects.