devNotes 6-29-16 navigation UI state cursor follow


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Argos_VR_Navigate : MonoBehaviour
    public float ArrowSpeed = 1f;
    public float MouseLLnearSpeed = 60f;
    public float MouseAngularSpeed = 60f;
    public float damping = 0.1f;
    public float ReleaseTime = 1.2f;

    bool bLMButtonisDown = false;
    bool bRMButtonisDown = false;
    bool bMMMouseButtonisDown = false;

    bool bLMButtonWasDown = false;
    bool bRMButtonWasDown = false;
    bool bMMMouseButtonWasDown = false;

    bool bAnyMouseButton = false;

    float xMouse_Damped;
    float yMouse_Damped;
    float[] arrowsDamped = new float[4];
    bool[] bArrow = new bool[4];
    bool[] bArrowWasDown = new bool[4];

    float[] MTimer = new float[3];
    float[] ATimer = new float[4];
    GameObject argosSphere;
    //GameObject userMovement;
    //GameObject NavSphere_Pivot;
    //GameObject NavSphere;
    //UI_Control ui_control;

    public Text txtInputIndicator;

    Vector2 touchPos;

    Vector3 vHoldPivot;
    bool bRotaPivot_On = false;

    bool m_bAllowInput = true;

    public RMF_RadialMenu rmf_Radial_Menu;

    public enum Arrows
        UP = 0,

    public static class Arrow
        public const int UP = 0;
        public const int DOWN = 1;
        public const int LEFT = 2;
        public const int RIGHT = 3;

    public enum MouseButts
    public static class MouseButt
        public const int LMB = 0;
        public const int RMB = 1;
        public const int MMB = 2;

    public Vector3 baseOVR_Pos;
    public Quaternion baseOVR_Rota;

    public int iMode_GearVR;

    public static class GVR_MODE
        public const int LMB = 0;
        public const int RMB = 1;
        public const int HOME = 2;
        public const int MMB = 3;

    public GameObject OVR_Main_Cam;

    public float seeX;
    public float seeY;

    public void Start()
        argosSphere = GameObject.Find("ARGOS_Fibonacci_Second_Generation");
        //userMovement = GameObject.Find("User_Movement");
        //ui_control = GameObject.Find("UI_Control_Canvas").GetComponent<UI_Control>();
        //NavSphere_Pivot = GameObject.Find("NavSphere_Pivot");
        //NavSphere = GameObject.Find("Argos_NavSphere");

        OVRTouchpad.TouchHandler += HandleTouchHandler;

        baseOVR_Pos = OVR_Main_Cam.transform.position;
        baseOVR_Rota = OVR_Main_Cam.transform.rotation;

    void HandleTouchHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        OVRTouchpad.TouchArgs touchArgs = (OVRTouchpad.TouchArgs)e;
        OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent touchEvent = touchArgs.TouchType;
        /*if(touchArgs.TouchType == OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.SingleTap)
            //TODO: Insert code here to handle a single tap.  Note that there are other TouchTypes you can check for like directional swipes, but double tap is not currently implemented I believe.

        switch (touchEvent)
            case OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.SingleTap:
                txtInputIndicator.text = "SingleTap";

            case OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.Left:
                txtInputIndicator.text = "Left";

            case OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.Right:
                txtInputIndicator.text = "Right";

            case OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.Up:
                txtInputIndicator.text = "Up";

            case OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.Down:
                txtInputIndicator.text = "Down";

    public void onGreenButton()
        m_bAllowInput = true;

    public void onRedButton()
        m_bAllowInput = !m_bAllowInput;

    void TouchPadHandler()
        if (rmf_Radial_Menu.idxSelected == GVR_MODE.HOME)
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.position = baseOVR_Pos;
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.rotation = baseOVR_Rota; 

        if (rmf_Radial_Menu.idxSelected == GVR_MODE.LMB)
            bLMButtonisDown = true;
            bLMButtonWasDown = true;
            MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] = 0f;
            bRMButtonWasDown = false;
            MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] = 0f;
            bMMMouseButtonWasDown = false;
            bLMButtonisDown = false;
        if (rmf_Radial_Menu.idxSelected == GVR_MODE.RMB)
            bRMButtonisDown = true;
            bRMButtonWasDown = true;
            MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] = 0f;
            bLMButtonWasDown = false;
            MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] = 0f;
            bMMMouseButtonWasDown = false;
            bRMButtonisDown = false;
        if (rmf_Radial_Menu.idxSelected == GVR_MODE.MMB)
            bMMMouseButtonisDown = true;
            bMMMouseButtonWasDown = true;
            MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] = 0f;
            bLMButtonWasDown = false;
            MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] = 0f;
            bRMButtonWasDown = false;
            bMMMouseButtonisDown = false;
        bAnyMouseButton = bLMButtonisDown || bRMButtonisDown || bMMMouseButtonisDown || Input.GetKey("right ctrl") || Input.GetKey("e");

    void checkMouseButts()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            bLMButtonisDown = true;
            bLMButtonWasDown = true;
            MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] = 0f;
            bRMButtonWasDown = false;
            MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] = 0f;
            bMMMouseButtonWasDown = false;
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            bLMButtonisDown = false;
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            bRMButtonisDown = true;
            bRMButtonWasDown = true;
            MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] = 0f;
            bLMButtonWasDown = false;
            MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] = 0f;
            bMMMouseButtonWasDown = false;
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
            bRMButtonisDown = false;
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2))
            bMMMouseButtonisDown = true;
            bMMMouseButtonWasDown = true;
            MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] = 0f;
            bLMButtonWasDown = false;
            MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] = 0f;
            bRMButtonWasDown = false;
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2))
            bMMMouseButtonisDown = false;
        bAnyMouseButton = bLMButtonisDown || bRMButtonisDown || bMMMouseButtonisDown || Input.GetKey("right ctrl") || Input.GetKey("e");
        void Update()
            //test OVR single tap
            iMode_GearVR = rmf_Radial_Menu.idxSelected;


            if (!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())
                //NavSphere_Pivot.transform.position = transform.position;

                //    NavSphere_Pivot.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
            //if (Input.touchCount > 0)
            //    if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began)
            //    {
            //        PointerEventData ped = new PointerEventData(null);
            //        ped.position = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
            //        List<RaycastResult> results = new List<RaycastResult>();
            //        GR.Raycast(ped, results);
            //        if (results.Count == 0)
            //        {
            //        }
            //    }

    void MouseHandler()
        float x = GearVRInput.GetAxisX; 
        float y = GearVRInput.GetAxisY; 

        seeX = x; seeY = y;

        if (bAnyMouseButton)
            xMouse_Damped = Mathf.Lerp(xMouse_Damped, x, damping);
            yMouse_Damped = Mathf.Lerp(yMouse_Damped, y, damping);

            //MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] = MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] = MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] = 0f;
            xMouse_Damped = Mathf.Lerp(xMouse_Damped, 0f, damping);
            yMouse_Damped = Mathf.Lerp(yMouse_Damped, 0f, damping);

        float xMD_TimeScaled_AngVel = xMouse_Damped * MouseAngularSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        float yMD_TimeScaled_AngVel = yMouse_Damped * MouseAngularSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        float xMD_TimeScaled_LinVel = xMouse_Damped * MouseLLnearSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        float yMD_TimeScaled_LinVel = yMouse_Damped * MouseLLnearSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        //bArrow[Arrow.UP]    = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow);
        //bArrow[Arrow.DOWN]  = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow);
        //bArrow[Arrow.LEFT]  = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow);
        //bArrow[Arrow.RIGHT] = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow);

        //arrowsDamped[Arrow.UP] = Mathf.Lerp(arrowsDamped[Arrow.UP], ArrowSpeed*(bArrow[Arrow.UP] ?1f:0f), damping);
        //arrowsDamped[Arrow.DOWN] = Mathf.Lerp(arrowsDamped[Arrow.DOWN], ArrowSpeed * (bArrow[Arrow.DOWN] ? 1f : 0f), damping);
        //arrowsDamped[Arrow.LEFT] = Mathf.Lerp(arrowsDamped[Arrow.LEFT], ArrowSpeed * (bArrow[Arrow.LEFT] ? 1f : 0f), damping);
        //arrowsDamped[Arrow.RIGHT] = Mathf.Lerp(arrowsDamped[Arrow.RIGHT], ArrowSpeed * (bArrow[Arrow.RIGHT] ? 1f : 0f), damping);

        for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)
            if (bArrow[i])
                if (ATimer[i] > 0.0f)
                    bArrowWasDown[i] = false;
                    ATimer[i] = 0f;
                    bArrowWasDown[i] = true;

        if (bLMButtonisDown || bLMButtonWasDown)
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.Translate(0, -yMD_TimeScaled_LinVel, xMD_TimeScaled_LinVel);
            if (!bLMButtonisDown)
                MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] += Time.deltaTime;
                if (MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] > ReleaseTime)
                    MTimer[MouseButt.LMB] = 0f;
                    bLMButtonWasDown = false;

        if (bRMButtonisDown || bRMButtonWasDown)
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.Translate(-xMD_TimeScaled_LinVel, -yMD_TimeScaled_LinVel, 0);
            if (!bRMButtonisDown)
                MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] += Time.deltaTime;
                if (MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] > ReleaseTime)
                    MTimer[MouseButt.RMB] = 0f;
                    bRMButtonWasDown = false;
        if (bMMMouseButtonisDown || bMMMouseButtonWasDown)
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.Translate(0, 0, yMD_TimeScaled_LinVel);
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.RotateAround(argosSphere.transform.position, OVR_Main_Cam.transform.up, xMD_TimeScaled_AngVel);

            if (!bMMMouseButtonisDown)
                MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] += Time.deltaTime;
                if (MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] > ReleaseTime)
                    MTimer[MouseButt.MMB] = 0f;
                    bMMMouseButtonWasDown = false;

        if (Input.GetKey("right ctrl") || Input.GetKey("left ctrl"))
            //if (!bRotaPivot_On)
            //    vHoldPivot = userMovement.GetComponent<UserMovement>().getCursorPostiion() + argosSphere.transform.position;
            //    bRotaPivot_On = true;
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.RotateAround(vHoldPivot, OVR_Main_Cam.transform.up, xMD_TimeScaled_AngVel);
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.RotateAround(vHoldPivot, OVR_Main_Cam.transform.right, yMD_TimeScaled_AngVel);

            bRotaPivot_On = false;

        if (Input.GetKey("e"))
            Vector3 pos = argosSphere.transform.position;

            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.RotateAround(pos, OVR_Main_Cam.transform.up, xMD_TimeScaled_AngVel);
            OVR_Main_Cam.transform.RotateAround(pos, transform.right, -yMD_TimeScaled_AngVel);

        if (bArrow[Arrow.UP] || bArrowWasDown[Arrow.UP])
            //transform.Translate(0,arrowsDamped[Arrow.UP]*Time.deltaTime, 0);

            Vector3 pos = argosSphere.transform.position;
            //if (ui_control.rotateOnNavSphere)
            //    transform.RotateAround(pos, NavSphere.transform.right, -arrowsDamped[Arrow.UP] * Time.deltaTime);
                OVR_Main_Cam.transform.RotateAround(pos, transform.right, -arrowsDamped[Arrow.UP] * Time.deltaTime);

            if (!bArrow[Arrow.UP])
                ATimer[Arrow.UP] += Time.deltaTime;
                if (ATimer[Arrow.UP] > ReleaseTime)
                    ATimer[Arrow.UP] = 0f;
                    bArrowWasDown[Arrow.UP] = false;

        if (bArrow[Arrow.DOWN] || bArrowWasDown[Arrow.DOWN])
            //transform.Translate(0, -arrowsDamped[Arrow.DOWN] * Time.deltaTime, 0);

            Vector3 pos = argosSphere.transform.position;

            transform.RotateAround(pos, transform.right, arrowsDamped[Arrow.DOWN] * Time.deltaTime);

            //if (ui_control.rotateOnNavSphere)
            //    transform.RotateAround(pos, NavSphere.transform.right, arrowsDamped[Arrow.DOWN] * Time.deltaTime);
                transform.RotateAround(pos, transform.right, arrowsDamped[Arrow.DOWN] * Time.deltaTime);

            if (!bArrow[Arrow.DOWN])
                ATimer[Arrow.DOWN] += Time.deltaTime;
                if (ATimer[Arrow.DOWN] > ReleaseTime)
                    ATimer[Arrow.DOWN] = 0f;
                    bArrowWasDown[Arrow.DOWN] = false;

        if (bArrow[Arrow.LEFT] || bArrowWasDown[Arrow.LEFT])
            //transform.Translate(-arrowsDamped[Arrow.LEFT] * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

            Vector3 pos = argosSphere.transform.position;

            //if (ui_control.rotateOnNavSphere)
            //      transform.RotateAround(pos, NavSphere.transform.up, arrowsDamped[Arrow.LEFT] * Time.deltaTime);
                transform.RotateAround(pos, transform.up, arrowsDamped[Arrow.LEFT] * Time.deltaTime);

            if (!bArrow[Arrow.LEFT])
                ATimer[Arrow.LEFT] += Time.deltaTime;
                if (ATimer[Arrow.LEFT] > ReleaseTime)
                    ATimer[Arrow.LEFT] = 0f;
                    bArrowWasDown[Arrow.LEFT] = false;

        if (bArrow[Arrow.RIGHT] || bArrowWasDown[Arrow.RIGHT])
            //transform.Translate(arrowsDamped[Arrow.RIGHT] * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

            Vector3 pos = argosSphere.transform.position;

            transform.RotateAround(pos, transform.up, -arrowsDamped[Arrow.RIGHT] * Time.deltaTime);

            //if (ui_control.rotateOnNavSphere)
            //    transform.RotateAround(pos, NavSphere.transform.up, -arrowsDamped[Arrow.RIGHT] * Time.deltaTime);
                transform.RotateAround(pos, transform.up, -arrowsDamped[Arrow.RIGHT] * Time.deltaTime);

            if (!bArrow[Arrow.RIGHT])
                ATimer[Arrow.RIGHT] += Time.deltaTime;
                if (ATimer[Arrow.RIGHT] > ReleaseTime)
                    ATimer[Arrow.RIGHT] = 0f;
                    bArrowWasDown[Arrow.RIGHT] = false;


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System;

public class Hexsphere : MonoBehaviour {

	public static Hexsphere instance;
	public Transform core;
	public int TileCount;
	[Range(1, 4)]
	public int detailLevel;
	public int numColors;
	public static float unitScale;
	public Material hexMat;
	public Material pentMat;
	public Material hexInsideMat;
	public Material pentInsideMat;
	private float radialScale;
	private float maxEdgeLength;
	private float maxTileRadius;
	private float worldRadius;
	private List<Vector3> vectors = new List<Vector3>();
	private List<int> indices = new List<int>();
	private List<GameObject> Tiles = new List<GameObject>();

	void Start()
		instance = this;
		//radialScale = detailLevel;
		//Build the HexSphere
		BuildWorld ();
		//Set Tile colors, Generate Regions, Spawn gameobjects etc
		MapBuilder ();

	private void BuildWorld(){
		if (detailLevel < 1)
			detailLevel = 1;
		//Mesh generation freezes up for detail levels greater than 4
		if (detailLevel > 4) {
			detailLevel = 4;
		radialScale = detailLevel;
		unitScale = detailLevel;
		#region Generate Icosahedron Vertices
		Geometry.Icosahedron(vectors, indices);
		for (int i = 0; i < detailLevel; i++)
			Geometry.Subdivide(vectors, indices, true);
		/// normalize vectors to "inflate" the icosahedron into a sphere.
		for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Count; i++)
			vectors[i]=Vector3.Normalize(vectors[i]) * radialScale;// * Mathf.Pow(2.17f, (float)detailLevel);
		List<Vector3> centers = getTriangleIncenter(vectors, indices);
		maxEdgeLength = getMaxEdgeDistance (centers);
		maxTileRadius = getMaxTileRadius (centers, vectors);
		generateSubMeshes (centers, vectors);
		TileCount = Tiles.Count;
		worldRadius = Vector3.Magnitude (centers [0]);

	private void generateSubMeshes(List<Vector3> centers, List<Vector3> vertices)
		//Generate the hex/pent mesh for each vertex in the main mesh by associating it to its surrounding triangle centers
		for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
			GameObject tile = new GameObject ("Tile");
			Mesh submesh = new Mesh ();
			tile.AddComponent<MeshFilter> ();
			//tile.transform.localPosition = vertices[i];
			List<Vector3> submeshVs = new List<Vector3>();
			for(int j = 0; j < centers.Count; j++)
				if(Vector3.Distance(vertices[i], centers[j]) <= maxTileRadius)
			//If its a pentagon
			if(submeshVs.Count == 5)
				bool[] isUsed = new bool[5];
				List<int> orderedIndices = new List<int>();
				Vector3 current = submeshVs[0];
				isUsed[0] = true;
				//starting at the first point in submeshVs, find a point on the perimeter of the tile that is within one edgelength from point current, then add its index to the list
				while(orderedIndices.Count < 5)
					foreach(Vector3 c in submeshVs)
						if(Vector3.Distance(c, current) <= maxEdgeLength && Vector3.Distance(c, current) >= 0.001f && !isUsed[submeshVs.IndexOf(c)])
							//triangles[h + j] = submeshVs.IndexOf(c);
							isUsed[submeshVs.IndexOf(c)] = true;
							current = c;
				int[] triangles = new int[9];
				triangles[0] = 0;
				triangles[1] = orderedIndices[1];
				triangles[2] = orderedIndices[2];
				triangles[3] = orderedIndices[2];
				triangles[4] = orderedIndices[3];
				triangles[5] = orderedIndices[0];
				triangles[6] = orderedIndices[3];
				triangles[7] = orderedIndices[4];
				triangles[8] = orderedIndices[0];
				Vector3[] subVsArray = submeshVs.ToArray();
				submesh.vertices = subVsArray;
				submesh.triangles = triangles;
				Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[submeshVs.Count];
				uvs[orderedIndices[0]] = new Vector2(0f, 0.625f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[1]] = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[2]] = new Vector2(1f, 0.625f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[3]] = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.0162f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[4]] = new Vector2(.1875f, 0.0162f);
				submesh.uv = uvs;
				//tile.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = pentMat;
				//When using multiple materials..
//				Material[] pentMats = new Material[2];
//				pentMats[0] = pentInsideMat;
//				pentMats[1] = pentMat;
//				tile.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials = pentMats;
				//Single material
				tile.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = pentMat;
			//If its a hexagon
			else if(submeshVs.Count == 6){
				bool[] isUsed = new bool[6];
				List<int> orderedIndices = new List<int>();
				Vector3 current = submeshVs[0];
				isUsed[0] = true;
				//starting at the first point in submeshVs, find a point on the perimeter of the tile that is within one edgelength from point current, then add its index to the list
				while(orderedIndices.Count < 6)
					foreach(Vector3 c in submeshVs)
						if(Vector3.Distance(c, current) <= maxEdgeLength && Vector3.Distance(c, current) >= 0.001f && !isUsed[submeshVs.IndexOf(c)])
							isUsed[submeshVs.IndexOf(c)] = true;
							current = c;
				int[] triangles = new int[12];
				triangles[0] = 0;
				triangles[1] = orderedIndices[1];
				triangles[2] = orderedIndices[2];
				triangles[3] = orderedIndices[2];
				triangles[4] = orderedIndices[3];
				triangles[5] = 0;
				triangles[6] = orderedIndices[3];
				triangles[7] = orderedIndices[4];
				triangles[8] = 0;
				triangles[9] = orderedIndices[4];
				triangles[10] = orderedIndices[5];
				triangles[11] = 0;
				Vector3[] subVsArray = submeshVs.ToArray();
				submesh.vertices = subVsArray;
				submesh.triangles = triangles;
				//Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[submeshVs.Count];
				Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[6];
				//UV Coords based on geometry of hexagon
				uvs[orderedIndices[0]] = new Vector2(0.0543f, 0.2702f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[1]] = new Vector2(0.0543f, 0.7272f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[2]] = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[3]] = new Vector2(0.946f, 0.7272f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[4]] = new Vector2(0.946f, 0.2702f);
				uvs[orderedIndices[5]] = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
				submesh.uv = uvs;
				//tile.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = hexMat;
//				Material[] hexMats = new Material[2];
//				hexMats[0] = hexInsideMat;
//				hexMats[1] = hexMat;
//				tile.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials = hexMats;

				//Single material
				tile.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = hexMat;
			//Assign mesh
			tile.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = submesh;
			//Fix any upsidedown tiles by checking their normal vector
			if((submesh.normals[0] + vertices[i]).magnitude < vertices[i].magnitude)
				submesh.triangles = submesh.triangles.Reverse().ToArray();
			//Initialize tile attributes
			//tile.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().convex = true;
			//tile.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().isTrigger = true;
			tile.transform.parent = this.transform;
			tile.isStatic = true;
			tile.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;
			tile.tag = "Tile";
	private void MapBuilder(){
		//Randomly assign colors
		for (int i = 0; i < Tiles.Count; i++) {
			Tiles[i].GetComponent<Tile>().setColor(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, numColors+1));
		//find each tiles neighbors
		for (int i = 0; i < Tiles.Count; i++) {

	private float getMaxTileRadius(List<Vector3> centers, List<Vector3> vertices){
		float delta = 1.5f;
		Vector3 v =;
		if (detailLevel != 0) {
			v = vertices [12];
			v = vertices [0];
		float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
		foreach (Vector3 c in centers) {
			float dist = Vector3.Distance(v, c);
			if (dist < minDistance){
				minDistance = dist;
		minDistance = minDistance * (delta);
		return minDistance;
	private float getMaxEdgeDistance(List<Vector3> centers) {
		//Returns the approximate distance between adjacent triangle centers
		//delta is the approximate variation in edge lengths, as not all edges are the same length
		float delta = 1.4f;
		Vector3 point = centers [0];
		// scan all vertices to find nearest
		float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
		foreach (Vector3 n in centers) {
				float dist = Vector3.Distance(point, n);
				if (dist < minDistance){
					minDistance = dist;
		minDistance = minDistance * (delta);
		return minDistance;
	private List<Vector3> getTriangleIncenter(List<Vector3> vertices, List<int> triangles){
		List<Vector3> centers = new List<Vector3> ();
		for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count - 2; i += 3) {
			Vector3 A = vertices[triangles[i]];
			Vector3 B = vertices[triangles[i + 1]];
			Vector3 C = vertices[triangles[i + 2]];
			float a = Vector3.Distance(C, B);
			float b = Vector3.Distance(A, C);
			float c = Vector3.Distance(A, B);
			float P = a + b + c;
			Vector3 abc = new Vector3(a, b, c);
			float x = Vector3.Dot (abc, new Vector3(A.x, B.x, C.x)) / P;
			float y = Vector3.Dot (abc, new Vector3(A.y, B.y, C.y)) / P;
			float z = Vector3.Dot (abc, new Vector3(A.z, B.z, C.z)) / P;
			Vector3 center = new Vector3(x, y, z);
		return centers;





