The Dougherty Set

Reality is vibration. Vibration is tube toroidal based helical induction. The Dougherty Set presents the fractal plasma electroflow of wave mechanics to indeed be toroidal and vortex based. The Geometry of the filament node universe is inherent in The Dougherty Set. 😉

#Loveiswatching #scalerelativity #electricuniverse #thedoughertyset #thegeometry #fractal #cosmologicalconstant #vortexscience #buddyjamesart #torus #tesla #walterrussell #mcesher #infinity #dielectric #plasma #aether #buckminster #birklandcurents #marklundconvection #bluewhirl #Zpinch #newjerusalem #goldenscaling

Color pencil and ink on paper 2, 8.5 x 11 sheets.